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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. That was way back when they had no idea of the efficacy of the vaccines. Things are different now.
  2. We had someone in Tynwald before NIgel arrived, who knew about aircraft movement and operations. But he didn't last long enough to make a difference, with anything actually.
  3. I think both you & I know that although the hospital/death data may exceed the current benchmark that will soon have to be reviewed and changed in light of the lesser number of mortalities. Mortalities being the ultimate benchmark.
  4. There must be a DOI manager living up Wybourn Rd for that to be done. There are lots of roads in Onchan that are far worse than that was.
  5. For context can you please post data for hospitalisations & deaths (for the same period)?
  6. Yep.... quite a number of them have come loose.
  7. I have always questioned the vaccine allocation issue. How do we know we're getting our allotted number? I've yet to see any numbers, anywhere. I can't find any reference to that even in UK.gov website.
  8. Without searching on the UK Land Registry website, is PPs the actual freeholder of the site or is that still vested in Liverpool Council? I thought Liverpool Council bounced PPs into developing the Cruise Terminal for the City?
  9. Too expensive. You're going to have to review your pricing.
  10. Don't worry.... by the end of this month she'll be in the Cabinet Office heading up the media team putting out exactly the opposite of what she's complaining about. Dead cert.
  11. IOMG have now committed us to this debacle by declaring that it will be open for TT2022. That means they'll throw whatever it takes of taxpayer's funds to get it finished on time. So I'm now looking at it being +£100 million as it's clear from that video that they are a long way from even getting any proper foundations in. It's to be hoped that they get the main terminal building up and watertight before the winter sets in. And, after reading what the Chair of IOMSPCo has said something tells me that the costs for keeping the berthing area 'open' will add significantly to the annual maintenance bill as well. Not sure if that's down to IOMSPCo of IOMG I don't know.... but, either way the GMP will be paying for it.
  12. I originally said total cost would be £60 million. I'm revising that upward again to £100 million including the scour work.
  13. Why do e-gaming companies pay tax when most other companies pay zero?
  14. I'd say 2030 before anything is agreed, if at all.
  15. The morality aspect, which is where I'm coming from initially. And, by the way, I don't disagree with the 50p T-shirt being sold for £50 scenario. Both are immoral. This new G7 'agreement' is fundamentally undemocratic. Next we'll be having G7 determine what prices we charge for products and services. It's bonkers.
  16. Even he doesn't know what the rate should be.
  17. Thin end of the wedge politically. If adopted globally, no country will have sovereignty over its own tax affairs. The next step will be personal taxation.
  18. It depends on which of the fence you're sitting. Of course the easiest answer is for governments to cut their own costs. But the electorate always looks for the government to do more in their name but not pay for it.
  19. It's immoral, same category as allowing profit shifting.
  20. Why not 17.5% or 19%. They seem to be plucking numbers out of the air. I've yet to read or hear anything about how 'they' arrived at 15%. As you say, it was 20% now it's 15%. What the actual feck is all that about? I'm afraid I can't be take these people seriously, at all.
  21. The next elephant in the room is egaming. The next target. Once the nail has been hammered down on that particular coffin then the population will dwindle, economy stagnation and UK bailouts. We've managed to balls up our biggest asset, the Island itself and tourism. Along with lazy agricultural policies of rewarding farmers not to produce food. The so-called diversification process has failed.
  22. I make it easy on myself. I don't listen to MR at all, at least not by choice.
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