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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Both of my doses appeared in both NHS & PatientAccess within 48 hours after the event. But, as everyone is saying, no QR code(s) as yet.
  2. Beat me to it. There's a whole host of documentation available on WHO website too.
  3. I think Valance deeply regrets any reference to HI after he said it. The politicians pounced on that and regurgitated the phrase without realising what it actually meant and what was involved.
  4. Can you provide an example?
  5. The change in tack almost certainly came from PHE.
  6. But the same happened in UK and elsewhere. On that basis they all did a good job and so IOMG was not unique.
  7. Aye.... the Boy Napoleon has a certain je ne sais quoi about it.
  8. And on antibodies..... this what ONS have to say: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/articles/coronaviruscovid19/latestinsights#antibodies
  9. Did Longtail buy the wrong ones?
  10. I agree. After all, they've only had the last ten years to get it sorted.
  11. At the expense of just shy of 130k deaths?
  12. Exactly what I said further up the blog. You don't become a serial entrepreneur unless you've got deep pockets or use someone else's money. Serial my arse.
  13. Current cases Roger, current cases in areas where the variant kicked off.
  14. No one on here is mocking the death of anyone. Stop making things up. The pop-up vaccination centres are for those who ignored the advice from even their own local community leaders. And yes, we are free to come and go, no one is denying that.
  15. The numbers you refer to are the unvaccinated, elderly and of mostly Indian-(sub)continent decent (or indeed direct decent). And it won't be eradicated until that section of our society start to listen and take heed. Meantime, the rest of us have to get on with life. You're now beginning to sound paranoid. I didn't have you in that category TBH.
  16. It's about time UKG got a hold of these so called NERVTAG experts and reminded them of their obligation to make it clear that when commenting on specifics to the media that they ensure that it is their own opinion and not that of the Group:
  17. You're going round in circles old chap.
  18. And was, IMO, the right decision based on probability.
  19. A very senior relative of mine caught a bad cold a couple of weeks ago. Should I have got her to call 111 to determine which cold variant it was?
  20. She's looking for a Cabinet Office media position. Has to be, with words like "integrity" being used completely out of context!
  21. If he thought the document was that important he could have made arrangements to have made it secure (GDPR-wise). He didn't and shredded it instead. That's disingenuous.
  22. Cummings is a Will-o'-the-Wisp character but I prefer the scottish equivalent of Spunkie.
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