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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Andy Onchan

    Manx Care

    Actually I don't think any Forum or Service should have anything to do with COMIN, certainly not funded in any way. The only way to influence both parties (IOMG & Manx Care) for the preferment of patients is to treat them with equal disdain, if that's what is required. Government will have their own aims. as will MC and getting them both to see the patient's view point or demands should be paramount. Divide and rule, if you like.
  2. This is what I'm getting on the NHS app. My second jab is 30th May.
  3. Both sides. Olmert & Abbas came very close to agreeing a possible workable solution but then a third country decided to poke the fire again because it didn't suit their agenda.
  4. Both sides are governed/lead by polar extremes and whilst there's interference from third countries stoking the fire there will be no real hope of lasting peace.
  5. Is Habib Bank still operating on the Island?
  6. Please, take your time to explain to me what it is that I don't understand about the politics of Palestine/Israel. I'm in no rush.
  7. Whilst Hamas remain in power there will be no peace negotiations. The only person who the Israeli's seem to trust is Mahmoud Abbas. Until there's a change in leadership then there'll be the need for direct third country intervention.
  8. He's a dangerous man on a number of levels. But mostly a danger to himself as he believes that every word he utters is true, unequivocally so.
  9. Rodan either turned a blind eye or was totally ignorant of Tynwald voting procedures. It remains to be the biggest constitutional feck ups of the early 21stC.
  10. But he would, of course, be coming from a position of knowledge of how the executive system works so you're right, he should now publish his CM manifesto.
  11. Andy Onchan

    Manx Care

    Quite so. The non-professional medics that applied to join the Board presumably went through a selection process and so therefore do not represent the patients. They will follow the flow. Perhaps it's about time a Patients Forum was created to hold Manx Care to account for delivering the services. It's clear that IOMG isn't going to do that, they set policy only (or so we're told).
  12. Andy Onchan

    Manx Care

    Where's the patient voice in the new Manx Care?? Why oh why is there no patient representative on any Board??? It's quite astounding really. It's almost as if the patient is irrelevant in all of this.
  13. Well he managed to get all the way to New Zealand and back... albeit Chalmers was probably holding his hand.
  14. But at least that would be an honest answer. His own lab people would probably struggle.
  15. Andy Onchan

    Manx Care

    If Ashford gets in next time then I think he should be handed responsibility for the DOI. Lots of things need fixing there as well. I'm afraid I'm finding that The MBE has lost all sense of reality with decision making in DHSC. He's forgetting who put him in HOKs. He should probably roll out the Manx Care CEO and get her to start nailing flags to masts so that we can see timelines and start monitoring the progress (or otherwise). They need to start delivering.
  16. Isn't TUI Germany's largest (only?) travel firm? So it's hardly surprising they're seeing a surge in bookings.
  17. But we are talking DOI here...... they're more than capable of racking up that sort of money for a lot, lot less in deliverables. It's easy when you've had practice and a parliament that hasn't a clue in managing the funding for something like this.
  18. The next major project for DOI to get their willies round will be the development of Douglas Harbour..... all £80.3 million of it! A Book is now open on what the eventual number will be when that's completed, if it's completed. Anyone?
  19. If you go down Howard Street and look to your right in the lanes running parallel with the Prom (Churches Bookshop is on the opposite corner) you can see where the old sea wall is. Anything that was built from that point on out towards the sea is built on reclaimed land supported by stratae of bed rock. These reclaimed areas are the source of the oft commented issue of voids along the prom, from the old Villiers site up to just short of Senna Road area.
  20. If that was the case why was there not one single trench all the way along the prom? It's bollox. A section at a time was the way to go. You then have something to show for the work that's been done. What we have now is an wholly incomplete project.
  21. That's probably about par for the IOM but not for UK I would suggest. It's clear that in light of this Promenade debacle that there's a requirement for a complete overhaul of contract terms for civil works. We seem to get shafted at every opportunity by the DOI and others.
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