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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Away with yer! £65K for what? For spending other people's money? You don't have to be qualified in anything, the executive are the supposed experts. You don't even have to agree to be a political member of any department. You only have to hang around for a short while to pick up a sooper dooper pension and even get 6 months if you don't get back in next time around. All you need is to buy a few folk a drink and promise them the earth and be a nice guy for the duration.
  2. But only if you're daft enough to sign up to it.
  3. Agreed. They still haven't learned that less is more`.
  4. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/5-million-added-to-new-liverpool-ferry-terminal/ And so it goes on. And the land isn't even ours. I hope the lease is 199yrs minimum.
  5. And will be defaced in 4 months.
  6. The late John Morely of the Empress suggested that the breakwater had something to do with the build up. Pre-breakwater construction the level of sand opposite the hotel was significantly lower, he said. Perhaps there's some truth in that.
  7. When visiting the Island on business (and before settling down here) over 40 years ago I used to stay at the Palace. In those days if you wanted to get to the beach for a walk you had to go down a number of steps. Not now.
  8. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/jersey-covid-uk-traffic-lights-b1836341.html
  9. I did confirm that he was answering a question almost immediately afterwards when MR put the audio clip up. But still doesn't change my opinion that the response was crass:
  10. Well, we are a couple of months away..... end of June.
  11. Daily Record: Ex-housekeeper at Michelle Mone’s £25m mansion tells of ‘immensely upsetting' relationship with Scots tycoon. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/ex-housekeeper-michelle-mones-25m-23957293
  12. If they have zero immunity after the first dose then most probably they'll have zero immunity after the 2nd dose as well? First doses do provide some level of immunity, that's a fact.
  13. Given the numbers turning up from India etc I'm surprised it's only a 100/day.
  14. Fully agree now that there are vaccines available. Would have been much harder to justify opening up without the vaccines.
  15. I think you'll find that the horse has long since bolted
  16. There will be much larger cohorts of asymptomatic positives going forward. Tracing from those who succumb will get harder. But, we will have to live with it.
  17. You must admit they are very, very pretty double yellow lines. Cracking job.
  18. I haven't looked on the website but I suspect that either an airline, a government body or a tourist body needs to add IOM to the list. I think TIMATIC is an opt-in application rather than by right. Could be wrong.
  19. IOM is listed by IATA as an origin/destination. No need to worry about that. The issue, as you say, is ensuring the various handling companies along the chain will be up-to-date with the transit protocols in due course.
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