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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Yes, the speed reading fooled no one and it's a shame that Mr Speaker didn't pull Hooper up on that. Neither Hooper or Mr Speaker came out of that smelling of roses, only of shit. Disgraceful, disrespectful & shambolic.
  2. Thompson is on a hiding to nothing. IOMG are the ones setting the Green Agenda not IOMSPCo. And he's right, the only way to cut carbon is to reduce sailings as there's nowt on the horizon that goes anywhere close to a clean, carbon free operation. It's time IOMG started looking for a buyer of their shares because they have boxed themselves into a corner. Twats!
  3. A picture of Sgt Wilson & Pvt Godfrey came into my mind when I read that! 🤣
  4. Sadly I think they will and for as long as they can. It's the way of the business world.
  5. There's nowt artificial about the cost, unfortunately. That's for real.
  6. I wouldn't be surprised if the lease agreement for the LPL facility isn't rolled into Sea Services Agreement (that's now being reviewed).
  7. In my experience you can't really teach anyone "people skills". You learn that from experience and at so many different levels; family, work, social etc. If they're not team players then you need to accept that.
  8. Look like IOM is not the only CD having over-spending issues with projects, except they seem to have emptied out the States staff involved: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-guernsey-68622482
  9. I blame the (now) City Fathers. If they hadn't applied for city status then no one would have turned up and the planet would have been saved. 😉
  10. I don't think there's another high street in any town or village on the Island where it's as bad as in PSM.
  11. The road is fecked and it needs replacing. Simple. Been like that for some considerable time. There's really no excuse.
  12. When they eventually re-engineer the road they might want to think about putting a cobbled surface down. It would be more in keeping with the immediate built environment, help reduce traffic speed and where some blocks fail due to subsidence can be replaced relatively quickly.
  13. IOMG themselves are responsible for a substantial part of inflation.
  14. But if they removed the derelict boats the harbours would look deserted. 😁
  15. Wouldn't surprise me if the latest lot of tiles that were installed were Turkish. Millions of tiles/ceramics a month manufactured over there, most of which are cheap and substandard.
  16. They were on yesterdays boat, along with at least two dogs.
  17. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/govt-needs-to-raise-more-money-without-penalising-working-people/ Alex, if by any chance you happen to read this.... have you tried reducing government expenditure? For example, do we really, really need so many policy directors in the Cabinet Office along with all of the attendant expenses that go with the non-job?
  18. Or try the Brave browser
  19. No unelected MLCs either.
  20. I know....please forgive me!
  21. But we should know if we're getting value for money. Isn't that government the mantra these days?
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