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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I'm not sure that's the case and that's not who I was referring to. If I'm not mistaken RG suggested the 'passing off' was from someone in the medical group, not the laboratory. Without going back to listen to the whole thing again I think she mentioned two names.
  2. Since they did away with the cop-shop in the village this type of behaviour has increased. Not having a bobby on the street results in this kind of shit. I've said it before and I'll say it again.... when a bobby is doing his rounds he picks up info about what's going on and who's likely to be involved.
  3. It starts with, "Good afternoon, Fastyr mie".... Arghhhhhhh!
  4. And the fact that her work was being passed off by someone else with direct access to at least Silver Command if not Gold Command.
  5. Andy Onchan

    Manx Care

    What about using outputs as a measurement?
  6. Not really that bizarre. Samuel Johnson had a real hatred for the Scots. And her core belief is at the expense of good government. Her record on education and health is appalling. even the weegies are getting pissed off with her.
  7. If Samuel Johnson was around today I'm sure he would say the same about Nicola Sturgeon.
  8. Like I said way, way back IOMG missed a golden opportunity to show case what IOM can do (you know..... "Where You Can") by allowing this to get as far as it did, instead of thinking of the bigger picture. They have now all but written off the Biomed sector by burying their heads in their respective silo sand.
  9. They are actually on record as saying exactly that. Well, at least Dr Ewart said that on behalf of the government.
  10. Wow, just wow. The Isle of Man.... Where You Can........ just keep digging and making it worse.
  11. There's nothing worse than a jobsworth bus driver. ETA: thinking about it, I would have asked the driver when was the last time he was in the canteen with the other drivers and whether he'd tested COVID negative.
  12. I reckon that most policies are dreamt up by the executive, or at least mimics the UK and Tynwald generally rubber stamps most of it. Very little legislation is what might you might term 'home grown'.
  13. You could always 'joyride' and go on the bus.
  14. Andy Onchan

    Manx Care

    You're not asking for much are you?😁
  15. Welcome to the club old stick.
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