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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. By heck PB, you've put on some beef. You should cut down on the piebaps.
  2. Two guys on scaffolding bricklaying is not construction? Or three roofers slating are not in construction?
  3. I've been resident on the Island for nearly 40 years and I don't ever recall a boat cancellation due to silting up over that period of time. Heysham yes but not Douglas.
  4. Does anyone know if this has happened before, i.e silting up of Douglas harbour?? If so, when?
  5. Given that natural immunity may only have a short 'shelf' life you can understand why UKG is keen to get an extra jab into arms in the autumn. Meantime, most of those younger active folk within the population that have had COVID will have some natural immunity protection, pending the roll out of jabs for their age own group.
  6. Kent.... the first place trucks pass through after rolling off the ferry. If the EU bothered to do genomic testing then we'd probably find that it originated somewhere in eastern Europe.
  7. Initially in schools. Thereafter households and then the usual places where folk congregate in large numbers.
  8. There's nowt wrong with Skeggy. It's so bracing.
  9. Would be a waste of talent if she does. Far better in LEGCO keeping an eye on the legislation passing through the plebs hands in The Keys. And also the Tynwald executive as well.
  10. Not quite true though because antibodies are created naturally as well. See the latest data set on antibody prevalence produced by ONS Some younger members of the population (16 - 24) manage natural immunity at around 1 in 3.
  11. Just announced on the news that 95% of +60 have had a vaccine. I would say that's beyond even what SAGE thought would happen and a very significant milestone on the road to a brighter 2021.
  12. That's a very scary picture! Wouldn't be out of place on a Hammer Horror Movie Poster.
  13. I didn't think I would need to spell that out.... otherwise what would be the point in vaccinating people? Of course it would mean unrestricted travel after the "selected population" (16+) has been vaccinated. We're all in danger of being scared of our own shadow otherwise. 150K vaccines would do all the 16+ on the Island. That's not a huge number in the big scheme of things.
  14. Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate...... that's all that needs to be said.
  15. Not at that particular 'accident' though.
  16. Well, we might as well have a new runway so they can roll the new fire engine over and baptise it!
  17. https://covid19.gov.im/vaccination/vaccination-schedule-priority-groups/
  18. Agree, except why have a buffer? If the 2nd jabs are already reserved why have a buffer for currently available stock? The jab can only be used once, saving it in case the boat doesn't go makes no sense. It needs to be in people's arms.
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