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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I would rather pay for folk to stand around waiting for the jabs to arrive than for the vaccines to sit in storage unused and not in people's arms (but obviously not those that are for second doses of course, they're reserved). We're going to get caught with our pants down (metaphorically of course!) when the rest of the UK will be in the throes of opening up. Once folk get used to being able to walk away from their homes in the morning without the thought of having to return pronto, then any coercion by or from the police will met with disobedience. Once that happens in UK (some might say it already has) then IOMG will be on very dodgy ground for arresting and locking people up. I'm sure this is something that the Chief Constable and the AG have already started to address. But you are right..... transparency is everything right now. And as COMIN have lost the information war they are in danger of losing hearts and minds completely.
  2. Notwithstanding the reduction in quantity we will still get our share. So the supplies won't dry up completely.
  3. Have they finally got the message, do you think?
  4. I think a lot of us knew something like this would happen and enforcement would be very contentious, whether by the letter of the law or by any other matrix. The pressure should be on to get the vaccines in people's arms much quicker and before more civil disobedience turns into more serious breaches. I really don't understand why DHSC are not getting people into both of the big hubs 7 days a week, 08:00 thru 20:00. Deep cleaning can be done in between those times. Yes, we know it's a long day but for sure the professionals will be getting paid for it, it's their job it's what they do. I'm not convinced, from what I'm hearing, that DHSC are making full use of volunteers (retired professionals) either.
  5. Andy Onchan

    Manx Care

    Presumably come 1st April all currently employed DHSC staff will be transferred to Manx Care? Will that be on the same terms of employment or will their contracts differ? And what about new employees? Will they have different contracts of employment?
  6. Correct.... the youngest was terrified and wasn't cooperative at all, apparently.
  7. Is that just because they haven't tested anyone at all at 21 days?
  8. Both symptomatic. One told to isolate by T&T and linked to someone who tested positive from within their office building. The other probably caught from the one already isolating. Both have been informed that it is/was the Kent variant. However, I have my own theory as to who they contracted it from...... one of the two kids in the same household. I think the latest info on the Kent variant suggests it's more transmissible via children asymptomatically (one of whom tested positive but is absolutely fine, the other tested negative but that was probably because of insufficient load on the swab).
  9. But there's nothing quite like hearing it from the horses mouth, is there?
  10. Two adult members of our family both tested positive at 13 days and have to remain in isolation for a further 8 days (21 in total) but without a test on day 21.
  11. But before the end of the last lockdown the vaccine hadn't really been offered to the Great Manx Public. That has now changed things and that is what the UK is relying on to get keep them out of the lockdowns. Once UK has opened up there'll be almost no turning back and if we're not aligned to the UK there'll be one hell of a backlash. DHSC will have to handle whatever is thrown at them, whether it's additional beds or ramped up testing, they will have to meet the challenge. UK has already indicated that they will be ready to kick off in the autumn with another round of vaccination options, possibly tweaked to handle the known variants. Logistics companies are already being advised of this.
  12. In and out in 6 mins. So quick I didn't have time to inspect the skirting boards, proving that they weren't really necessary.
  13. What are the NIMBYs proposing instead?
  14. Absolutely. Despite the ever expanding legion of media personnel in the Cabinet Office they've lost the information war, not just the battle. Which probably says more about the people they're employing than those who stand in front of the mic/camera to deliver the message.
  15. I've got some spare bell pads and plenty of spare handkerchiefs but I'll have to have a root around the attic for a spare straw boater for you. What time shall we meet for the hand over? 😂
  16. I'm in 6a according to the invite but certainly not housebound. I think the TIA that I had 6 years ago probably puts me in that cohort. To be honest I was expecting to be in cohort 7.
  17. Received the invitation to Register Wednesday. Got a call this afternoon to say that I am booked in down at the Airport for Sunday and the second jab 30th May. So far so good.
  18. She Who Speaks had the same 48hr feeling shitty moments, especially the shivers and throwing the covers off. By the third day after the jab she was fine, a little tired but still barking out instructions as only She does! Peace never really reigned so things are back to normal. And oddly enough I'm happy with that...at least I know where I stand!
  19. Just out of order and not at all funny, if that's what you intended it to be.
  20. Yes...... when I heard him say a few weeks back that he/they would not tolerate abusive behaviour towards the 111 team (I think it was them) I did wonder if it was true and if so how serious or widespread that abuse might have been. The words mountain and molehill spring to mind. He got it completely wrong about how careful they would need to be transporting and use of Pfefizer vaccine. Utter bollox and something he either made up or didn't understand when he was told or read about it. He takes himself far too seriously and that spills out into his persona.
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