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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. That would never have worked on IOM. Far too easy, far too cheap and far...... well, everything else really. Bunch of numpties. She Who Speaks' second cousin is a recently retired (late 2019) GP down in Solihull area and is co-managing a centre with a throughput of +10K a week (7 days a week, 08:00 to 20:00) in a community hall about the size of the Onchan Hub. She has four chaps organising the car parking, 10 registration/check-in admin people (rotating) 10 booths made with mobile curtains from the three GP practices, 20 vaccinators who rotate every two hours and the same number of admin people for the final check before the jab. All volunteers are from all walks of life, even a couple of Uni students who started their medical training last Sept.
  2. If the UKG really wanted to do this then it would happen. Tynwald or no Tynwald.
  3. 15.6% increase in houses prices between 2015 & 2020. No wonder we have so many young families struggling to get on the property ladder.
  4. That's urged me on to do a pot of Cullen Skink over the weekend. Haven't had that in awhile.
  5. Or time to allow the manufacturers of the vials to play catch up? I don't think it's political or much to do with the clotting issue either, may be even an opportunity to tweak the formula in it's next lot of batches.
  6. But airlines can implement it, some already have.
  7. Excuse me but I think you'll find it's GOLD COMMAND not gold team! You wouldn't get very far in the Manx CS if you got that wrong!
  8. Oh.... so it wasn't for Services to Page Three readers then?
  9. I'm almost sure that in UK compliance & enforcement for notifiable diseases in the workplace, of which COVID is one, is down to the H&S Executive. I have no idea if the equivalent IOM H&S Executive have the same compliance and enforcement powers or not but it would seem to be the logical place to pigeon hole this process as well.
  10. The late Bill Malarky has a lot to answer for!
  11. Most of the BS wording is convention and/or political correctness, isn't it? But you're right, saying what you mean should be the order of the day.
  12. Are you suggesting that we should halt all vaccines until they have produced one that deals specifically with the Brazil variant?
  13. I have grave doubts about giving the vaccine to under 5's or pre-school children. Even some newborn are reported to have the antibodies at birth so the herd immunity issue has already kicked in. As hard as it might be the sooner the younger ones are subject to the virus naturally the sooner they will develop antibodies.
  14. There's enough in one shot to reduce the chances of hospitalisation by at least 50%. Anything that keeps folk out of hospital has to be a good thing for those who do require medical intervention.
  15. What's the alternative? Better done now than let it escalate.
  16. If the vaccine program was ramped up to maximum (7 days a week 08:00 to 20:00) for how ever long the stocks last then that would go some way to mitigating the risk.
  17. I absolutely understand what you are saying about IOMSPCo being a private company but IOMG/Treasury have their own people on the board, they can influence the decision making. That is not arms length. If there were other shareholders then I would agree, to a certain extent. I was being facetious on the matter of the external investigation. There won't be one.... nothing to see.... move along.
  18. But Treasury is not really a passive shareholder and nor is it really a private company, is it? It has non-execs on the board, looking after the tax payers investment (allegedly). It also controls the other assets that allow the IOMSPCo to operate, again on behalf of the taxpayer. And of course there'll be no external investigation, criminal or otherwise because it's not in either IOMG or IOMSPCo interest to have one in case there was a screw up that could have been avoided. I did wonder how long it would be before something like this cropped up where IOMG would be conflicted.
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