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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I don't think anyone is arguing that there will be some in IOMG who are milking it... it's the fact that you keep going on about it. You saying this day after day isn't going to change things. You've made your point (several times) and it's wearing a bit thin.
  2. EU is scared of it's own shadow. Frankly, I find it amazing that EU chose to pick a fight and bully AZ when they screwed up on the wording of the agreement, especially as they pay long millions for legal services.
  3. Aye.... we could all stand out on our doorsteps and wave or stick two fingers up as they drive past. Choices and decisions, decisions.
  4. So you were 50% wrong??........... well I never! Second thoughts no don't answer that!
  5. It's all about proportionality. If it was such a big problem, numbers-wise, then I'm pretty sure it would have showed up in all the early trials.
  6. Some cab't help being porkers. It can be genetic.
  7. https://guernseypress.com/news/2021/03/15/more-testing-is-big-difference/ Shame our lot haven't thought to add more tools to our box. Knobs!
  8. I'm afraid I have no confidence in the consistency of the data. So TBH I don't really pay much attention to it.
  9. But beware if you're English you will have to pay double the fee! It's a local service for local people only! (only joking!)
  10. Where have you read/seen that? It might for some but I'm not sure it applies to everyone that succumbs to COVID-19.
  11. If you do a Google search on "Before You Speak" you'll see that there's an industry in it's own right out there and people actually make a living out of such balderdash. It's all very American. I have nothing against our cousins across the pond but have IOM Constabulary actually paid for this??
  12. More likely to be preexisting conditions, I reckon.
  13. And did CM Bell implement any of their recommendations? If he did, I'm not sure they worked.
  14. At least you've had the first one, better late than never. Whilst you were there, did you inspect the superior quality skirting boards, given how much has been spent?
  15. Actually a lot of chapels and churches though fewer in number still have summer fairs and other special days full of what you talk about. Many though are a means to an end.... funding for charities.
  16. I was thinking of the ones being handed out. Are they printed on both sides or one side only and using two pieces of paper?
  17. Are the sheets double-sided, ie. printed on both sides??
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