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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Similarly, a work colleague, just 42, in Crawley area is getting hers today. No underlying health issues, zero. Fit and healthy young woman. It turns out her GP practice has a much higher proportion of younger people attached to it which might, as she suggests is because of the two housing estates where she lives are approximately only 10 & 7 years old and full of young families.
  2. Here's my answer (I've been waiting for a suitable opportunity to post this!):
  3. If anyone is interested: https://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&pubid=051f4a5a-e86c-481b-a803-26e4c0d108c2
  4. I probably should have qualified my post by saying that I believe the initial outbreak (attributed to only one IOMSCo crew member) was caused by more than one crew member stepping ashore with the virus. The day after (2 days max I think) the first was announced there were two unidentified cases that couldn't be linked to the first one, or so they said at the time.
  5. 100% more than one person stepped off the Ben with the virus. ETA: I mean crew.
  6. Of course it's speculation but it might support the reason why there were unexplained and unconnected cases to the ONE case that they knew about.
  7. No, I don't. More than person that stepped off the boat had the virus. And whoever they were, I think, were people with young families and that got into at least two possibly three schools and has mushroomed from there.
  8. Aye...fair turned my stomach it did, when I read that.
  9. But something tells me they didn't plan it that way!
  10. I guess there'ill be an upside to this, in that most of those isolating with the virus will come out the other side with antibodies, theoretically adding to them to the herd that has been vaccinated. So in some ways, the more the merrier.
  11. But they are bothered because there's loads of non-COVID cases cited in the newspapers (presumably from either physical sittings or virtually), more than usual I would say but nothing, as has been said, about COVID breaches. I can't believe that there have been no breaches and subsequent charges whatsoever this time around.
  12. Why? Are journos not permitted to attend virtual court sittings?
  13. I thought it was a band from the early 80's.
  14. But it's the same for any transmissible virus isn't it, such as the flu? We just have to give it time for, dare I say it, the herd effect to kick in. I saw on North West Tonight recently that one local authority had started vaccinating the homeless, some of whom I guess might also be illegal immigrants.
  15. Well, it's on the way. June 2021. Anyone seen anything in the local press announcing the roll out? https://www.smart-energy.com/industry-sectors/smart-meters/isle-of-man-smart-meter-rollout-set-to-start/
  16. In principle those who have tested positive and do not have breathing problems shouldn't need to go to hospital. They should be able to ride it out at home (circumstances permitted, like looking after kids etc). I'm guessing the Nobles triage staff are going to be busy.
  17. Just come off the phone with a work colleague down in Crawley who says she's off for her 1st jab on Saturday at her GPs practice... She has just turned 42yo. We have a long way to go.
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