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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Well, he's done himself no favours since I no longer read his input, such as it is.
  2. Has anyone shown you where the full stop is on your keyboard? Hitting the ? at the end of each sentence won't give you immunity if you write something libellous.
  3. Agreed, a lot busier in and around Onchan than yesterday.
  4. I really, really would like a journo to hit him with a question in Manx and not give in until he either answered in Manx or walked off the podium in shame.
  5. I believe he said patients would be offered the option of standby. That was my understanding. My wife could be down there in 30 mins max.
  6. I won't be tuning in either because I can't stand the friggin' "Fatsyr Mie" shit!
  7. Many companies/contractors are not members of the federation that you refer to. Having said that many don't want to be members because of the clique that exists within it. It's incestuous and sits very comfortably alongside the funny handshake society on Woodbourne Rd.
  8. But could still pass it on if they're asymptomatic.
  9. over engineered and over priced.... par for the course. I said so when they made the announcement that they were going to create it. We all knew it would be. Nothing less than wastrels.
  10. When She Who Speaks received the phone call to confirm her appointment she was never asked if she would like to go on a waiting list. Is that option only being offered to a select few?
  11. Are you sure IOMSPCo have all been vaccinated. When I checked the dashboard yesterday only 1 was listed in the 'X transport' cohort as being vaccinated with one 2nd dose due. I haven't checked the dashboard today.
  12. She Who Speaks ventured out for her exercise and to post a letter just before lunch and said that Onchan Village Main Rd was dead. No cars, no people. Quite eerie apparently.
  13. It is odd. But let's hope that since The MBE said that we are due more than our fair share in the next few days (I think that's what I heard him say over the weekend) then the process should be a 7 day operation rather than the 3 day one we've have had so far. I'm told that there's no shortage of volunteer trained ex GP/hospital/nursing staff so there's no reason for holding back. They just need to get on with it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXE8LdXzeHM&ab_channel=lonjil
  14. Rather than thinking all of those missed doses are due to the patient it's just possible that there might be something wrong with the method of the appointment system. Dates and times given over the phone are likely to be misinterpreted/misheard or confused when you are dealing with elderly people which, in the main, these people will have been.
  15. Dr Ewart admitted that was the case. So it's official.
  16. Sorry John but I didn't read it like that. The first thought that came into my head was... are the screens in the offices doing their job of keeping the virus at bay and do they have the windows open in the interview rooms?. Are the measures in place sufficient to keep the virus at bay? Nothing more than that.
  17. Isn't that where the 111 call line is based as well?
  18. As I recall I think they were "budgeting" 10% for wastage. But as you say that's not really acceptable.
  19. Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of it applying to the management of IOMSPCo, rather than crew if the directions weren't spelled out to them correctly. Or if the directions weren't clear and letting it run unchallenged for so long. But of course we probably won't know the full facts as to the 'misunderstanding' anyway as a bigger carpet has been laid so all of this crap can all be brushed under.
  20. And, amazingly, even though they provide the only lifeline service the crew were not even in the first batch for vaccination.
  21. Oh and by the way.... if you're in the construction industry = carry on as if nothing has happened.
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