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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I'm sure Dr Glover will be able to put him right. He hasn't an original thought in his head.
  2. Say it a bit louder, they can't hear you.
  3. The ink cartridge is empty. They can't put the legislation in place until the printer's fixed.
  4. But still in the same Common Travel Area though.
  5. His lips will be sealed. IOMG stuff IOMSPCo with experts, but they did't see this coming did they?
  6. Yes we know that but the excuse, and possibly pressure from Treasury, would fit the narrative.
  7. Rear Admiral Woodcock (sometimes known as the CEO of IOMSPCo) has been unusually quiet about this saga. He's normally straight on to the media defending the IOMSPCo but so far I haven't heard or seen anything from him. I wonder why?
  8. That's an interesting comment insofar as The MBE was quite categorical on what the cost is for all testing being carried out in LPL.... zero. That, I think, is probably a significant factor and/or excuse as to why they won't/can't use Taxagenomics.
  9. Just re-checked with She, who says it's definitely OAZ.
  10. Yes, that particular excuse was pathetic. The amount of waffle he came out with on Saturday must have been his all-time best. HRH the CM and his PR people haven't yet worked out that sometimes less is more. And the over-use of Fastyr Mie is excruciating.
  11. She Who Speaks Must Be Obeyed is in the +70 cohort and received her invitation to register two weeks ago and this morning received a call to attend Chester St Hub on 8th March, with the second dose scheduled for 17th May. So that's about 10 weeks. The AZ jab will be administered. According to The MBE I should have both of my jabs by end of May. So based on the above I hope my letter is in the post otherwise I can't see me getting both of mine by end of May.
  12. After the Easter holidays you will see a lot more people moving around the UK and we should be in a position to meet that challenge, which it will be (a challenge) if we haven't already started to plan for it.
  13. Yes of course that small minority who would never dream of dropping into a coffee bar for a latte after delivering a vehicle to a customer working in Athol street. Silly me.
  14. Bit hard to work from home if you're car mechanic.
  15. Can you provide a link(s) to that info, please?
  16. Not all of the 70's are yet jabbed. Letters have gone out but AFAIK there are still many to get an appointment.
  17. Isn't DOI responsible/sponsoring dept for IOMSPCo affairs?
  18. Well, as things stand at the moment, yes I would have to isolate which is not practical for me as I don't have the room at home to continue working. Even now I'm limited with what I can do to develop my businesses working from my office. I'm looking ahead in say, two months time, when I am due my first jab and the UK will be largely open for business, to get off the Island and get cracking so that when it does (hopefully) open up completely in June I'll be in the same position as all other UK businesses.
  19. You're forgetting or ignoring the fact that the Executive are betwixt the so-called policy makers (Tynwald or HOK specifically) and the electorate. Until the Executive are made more accountable then nothing will change.
  20. Meanwhile, for some of us just one jab will be sufficient for us to get out into the wider community (UK specifically) and start earning a living again. ETA: And the "passport shite" that you refer to will be a reality for those who depend on earning their living.
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