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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Arrange these words in the correct order: stones, glasshouse, throw.
  2. The emerging evidence is now fact!
  3. The +70s have only just received letters to register fore the first jab.
  4. I did ask earlier in the blog (in the hope that someone on here might know) how sure we are that we're getting the right numbers of vaccine delivered, what protocols are in place to ensure that we actually get what we're entitled to or promised as part of the supply contract. And shouldn't this info be publicly available?
  5. No, the research was led by PHE & PHS. As far as I can see it was first released to the BBC. All other media followed. ETA: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/first-real-world-uk-data-shows-pfizer-biontech-vaccine-provides-high-levels-of-protection-from-the-first-dose https://publichealthscotland.scot/news/2021/february/vaccine-linked-to-reduction-in-risk-of-covid-19-admissions-to-hospitals/ Plus numerous universities: https://www.ed.ac.uk/news/2021/scottish-vaccine-roll-out-working-data-suggests
  6. No HQ today because he's at home working on the pronunciation of certificate (susstificate, stificate etc).
  7. It's no longer a fingers crossed situation. Testing has proven that it works and in some cases efficacy is improved because of the delay.
  8. Yes, I heard what he said but I'm not sure that was what we were told when they put the vaccination plan together in December. I understood all over 50's would not be vaccinated until August/September.
  9. What level are we on, in the Borders Framework? Level 4 is highlighted in green. Is that the current level that's in operation? I thought we were in Level 5A. I don't recall seeing a press release about a change. ETA: Indeed it does say we're in Level 4.
  10. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/no-evidence-covid-cluster-isnt-under-control-health-minister/ When questioned by Ms Espey about the vaccine roll-out The MBE stated that "all over 50's will be done by end of May" (from 4:14 onwards). Is that true and is that for both jabs?? I thought they said it would be August/September.
  11. Will be interesting to hear/read what The MBE has to say about extending the gap between doses.
  12. Wouldn't that be under the column heading, "known unknown"?
  13. The fund runs out some time this year doesn't it? Thereafter it'll come from the current account?
  14. Yes there is. It's an antibody test but I'm not sure how reliable the test is. ETA: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing-and-tracing/antibody-test-to-check-if-youve-had-coronavirus/
  15. There has to be an element of luck involved.
  16. I guess IOMSPCo will have to abide by these to start with:MSC.1-Circ.1636 - Industry Recommended Framework Of Protocols For Ensuring Safe Ship Crew Changes And Travel.pdf
  17. From Day 1 I said they would be following PHE and almost to the letter. It seems, however, that they haven't looked at the wider risks out there. Or if they have, they've failed with the continuous assessment of the risk & protocols they've put in place.
  18. I was referring to office suits. Same difference.
  19. Some suits that never get anywhere near a patient have had both doses. I know that for fact.
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