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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. The journey to/from the Caribbean might have had something to do with it?
  2. https://www.moh.gov.sg/resources-statistics/infectious-disease-statistics/2021/weekly-infectious-diseases-bulletin That's some pretty comprehensive data. Do we have the same available (other than COVID)?
  3. Please don't think for one minute that there aren't some in IOM that have been and continue to be economically disenfranchised.
  4. I would treat with caution any utterances that he spouts, written down or otherwise. Sorry Shirley.
  5. Just listened to this: https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/surgery-given-green-light-following-lockdown-lift/ What are these winter admissions? Can't be things like flu (resulting in pneumonia) shirley? What's The MBE talking about? Specifically? Wrighty??
  6. Bit like bus and lorry drivers.... no one expects them to have heart attacks either but it happens.
  7. I'm equally interested in this data/information:
  8. Very, very emotive language being used in that report.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/feb/01/joy-isle-of-man-covid-lockdown-ends
  10. In what circumstances would that happen and how often? I don't think I've ever read/heard of that happening.
  11. I thought HRH The CM told the Executive that we must have a border force? Anyone heard anything more about that?
  12. That's why we/they need to crack on with the vaccinations.
  13. Yes, with lots and lots of Fastyr Mies!........ (or should that be pies!)
  14. Irrespective.... none of them would have given a thought to people of any age standing outside in the wind and rain. There were people there in wheelchairs.
  15. Well clearly the people who put this together don't have any elderly relatives themselves either, because if they have they'd be subjecting their own family to this crap as well.
  16. Don't be daft. And in any case, there'd have been several meetings prior to that to decide what biscuits to have at that meeting where none of the above would have even been on the agenda anyway.
  17. Seriously though, a whole two layers of DOI management starting at the top down needs removing and replacing, it would be cheaper to pay fucking MARS than to let these people carry on. It's sheer institutional corruption of the highest order. Why do we put up with this shit?
  18. Alexander Drive needs kerb replacement and footpath overlay??? Are there that many pedestrians walking up-down there that it requires such work? Really?
  19. Yes but does it have go-faster-stripes on it?
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