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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Don't apologise for being overly churlish where chewing gum removal machines are concerned. It's only natural to feel like that where the MBE is concerned.
  2. Yes.... open up the cafe and make it a day out!
  3. Have they they opened the upstairs cafe yet?
  4. Didn't watch it. So were we spared the Fastyr Mie's today?
  5. It is good news but I can't help thinking that the message is tad late.
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-55809355
  7. Never mind...... try dabbing a bit of aftershave on, that might work.
  8. I'm particularly interested in the uptake, ie. invitations sent (by group) less invitations taken up = balance outstanding by 1st & 2nd jab. That should give us an overall picture of approx immunity levels.
  9. I've said on more than one occasion departmental CEOs should serve for a max of 5 years with a mandate to carry out Tynwald policy.... not their own! It works elsewhere in society so why not in public service?
  10. https://simpleflying.com/flybe-2-0-first-aircraft-registrationflybe-2-0-becoming-a-reality-with-first-aircraft-registration/
  11. I think we should be grateful for the Manx public at large for being compliant and for having perhaps a greater understanding and grasp of what's going on around them than 'they' think. It's been said before, closing the border is an easy decision to make. Getting them back open is going to be more problematic without a box with all the proper tools at our disposal. We haven't yet heard from The Director of Public Health what the plan is to allow that to happen. When she withdrew testing back in the summer (assuming it was her recommendation) it was a mistake and she probably knows it. Until I see a document laying out what she believes will be the models for opening up the Island then I might have some confidence in her. Until that happens I'm afraid people will speculate all sorts of things resulting in the negativity that you read on here.
  12. I see that any CV related articles on iomtoday website have the opportunity for readers to comment on removed. Richard, why is that?
  13. My name's David and I'm an alcoholic........
  14. So we lock-down for good and lose the opportunity to learn more about it? Let me be clear, I'm not advocating the use of genome testing at this moment, it's too late. But when it comes to letting folk move more freely then we must use every tool in the box. But I'm afraid that probably won't happen because IOMG refuse to admit they were wrong in not getting Dr. Glover on board.
  15. Like I said, some people, no matter how many times they have a vaccine pumped into them will not create the antibodies. In the last 15 years, every year, I have had HepC vaccine pumped into me, 2 doses same as the COVID and 18 days a apart (IIRC). I have an antibody test after the first and again after the second jab and both show negative every time, very year. The quack told me that I am not alone. Many people for whatever reason are unable to produce antibodies after a vaccine, almost any vaccine. I have the flu vaccine every year but I've no idea if I have the antibodies or not because I've never had an antibody test. I haven't caught the flu (the real flu, not just a bad cold) but I've no idea whether it's just luck and the immunisation that's kept it at bay. It's too early to tell what the effects of the CV vaccine will be until there are large scale antibody tests. That's why we will require continued testing.
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