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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. But not one that can identify which variant it is. Taking an educated guess but I would say the more you know about the virus and the speed of it's transmissability when the borders are open then that info would be crucial to making the right decision.
  2. Because it will still be circulating in other non-Island communities (UK mostly) and because there will be some on the Island who will either not take to the vaccine, ie., their body will not accept or reject the vaccine (remember that none of the jabs claim 100% efficacy and some who simply refuse the vaccine. I agree we need may need to allow it in but only once we have reached the level for heard immunity to develop. At the moment the experts don't know what that % will be due to the quicker transmissibility of new variants. Based on what I've read it will require monitoring for at least another 2 years I reckon.
  3. Indeed and without the obligatory Fastyr Mie thrown in at every effin' opportunity.
  4. And for that to happen we will require on-Island testing.
  5. But to enable us maintain the level of strict border policing that would allow travel on/off Island we're going to require a top-notch testing lab for that..... but apparently there isn't one with the right qualifications on-Island to do that.... so we're fecked! Sorry, but COMIN and their advisers have screwed themselves and us in the process by not understanding the bigger, longer term picture. Or at least that's what they are portraying right now.
  6. The funds should be used to turn Ward 20 into a self-contained epidemic facility or a new-build able to handle COVID and other hitherto unknown virus. As I said at the very beginning of this blog the decision not to replace the White Hoe with another isolation unit as part of a national health strategy plan was a balls-up. The facility could be used for non-urgent hospital use, day patient services etc.
  7. I bet the queues for the toilets will be longer than for the vaccinations. The sense of permanence will create an atmosphere where people will want to linger, which is the last thing you really want. Wouldn't surprise me if they open the cafe upstairs! An absolute waste of resources, time and money. The Isle of Man..... Where you can.
  8. Are you looking for the unobtainable in life?
  9. As interesting as your comments are, why would you ever want to come back to IOM? I can recommend a good removal company!
  10. Actually I find it offensive and illogical that the government should even consider charging at all.
  11. He's been to the Skelly School of Skim-reading!
  12. You've not been to A&E in recent times when the GP surgeries were closed?
  13. £50 is a nice round number. Nothing more. Enough to put some people off and not too expensive for those who can afford it (mostly companies).
  14. It will change as fast are there are hosts harbouring it.
  15. What he really meant to say was, "we've just received an email from PHE and we should regurgitate the following.....". He's a very good master of bullshit. He wouldn't last five minutes on "Just a Minute".
  16. Didn't you know they're interchangeable to suit the narrative?
  17. I thought ISO requires continual improvement which may mean either or both internal or external audits, the frequency determined by processes and ultimately outputs?
  18. I feel a "Men From The Ministry" episode coming on.
  19. Don't worry we'll pay for it all, one way or another.
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