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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Almost as dumb as asking the price of a postage stamp.
  2. That would be the sensible thing to do but then IOMG doesn't do sensible stuff. Instead they write off the last 10 years of developing a sector of our economy at the stroke of a pen or the click of a mouse.
  3. Basically they were/are out of their depth if they expected that. False results could happen for a number of reasons. It's well known that some people can have a negative response but still pass the virus on. Additionally, all the COVID vaccine manufacturers are shielded from liability. Why would it be any different for a testing lab? These people are absolutely crackers.
  4. MBE? Is that all? Tight-fisted gets!
  5. I'm waiting for the line that goes... "it's wrong type of COVID for us to test it". (Remember the wrong type of leaves or snow on the line?).
  6. You would have thought by now that they would have stopped making the hole on the Dr Glover issue they're digging any bigger. But no, someone in the Manx equivalent of SAGE has a real hard-on over this debacle. Actually the longer this goes on the funnier it gets.
  7. Sorry, but you'll also need an H&SE bod or two.
  8. +5 His comments have set IOM BioTech/BioMed sector back 10 years with crap like that. Stupid, stupid people.
  9. With the weather forecast not looking particularly good over the next 24 hours I sincerely hope that IOMG have done all that is necessary to keep the residents in Laxey safe and dry.
  10. That's why the vaccines should be in people's arms right now.
  11. This. We should be applying pressure on IOMG to stop this silly nonsense of 'building' vax centres. It's not necessary and an utter waste of money. Localised centres such as church or parish halls will do just as well providing there' are separate entrance and exits. Why? Because that's where the people are. They are moving/sending people on a journey that's not really necessary and increases the possibility of transmission across a larger area. If that happens then they will need Dr. Glover's services. Once the Oxford is run along side the Pfizer vaccine then they should getting the stock to the local points of vaccination. It can be done. But they won't do that because it's lazy government. And I will be very surprised if the Rachel Glover issue will be resolved either.
  12. That's what I was trying to get across with my earlier post. The particular horse has bolted. We may have lost certain strands of the chain, the data of which would have been useful for detailed analysis but the main thing now is to strangle the onward transmission as quickly as possible by using basic testing and tracing. Way back in April/May UK SAGE were advising UK Gov that there would very likely be a second wave and would be much worse than the first. And that has proven to be the case. Out lot at that time obviously weren't listening. As I said earlier the decision to stop testing altogether was a shameful one. And whoever advised against continued testing needs their metaphorical balls putting in a vice, if indeed anyone did advise that. If it was a political decision then they should thank their lucky stars that so far there have been no deaths. If they/we manage to get through this without any further deaths then it won't be because of the application of good science, only the goodwill of the folk who live here and a certain amount of luck. IOMG should give the residents more intelligence than they credit them for.
  13. We still don't have an answer as to why COMIN decided to end testing when they did. Presumably they were advised by the 'medics' that because the virus wasn't in the community it wasn't necessary to continue. Dr. Glover said that was not a good idea. Postulating on whether genome sequencing etc brings any value to the debate now is lost, is background noise and semantics. Had testing continued with the regime that Dr Glover suggested then we probably wouldn't be in lockdown now. We need an answer as to why testing was withdrawn in it's entirety.
  14. You can bet your last dollar that it will be Manxified.
  15. Indeed. Lady & gent in that age group across the road from us have yet to receive their letters.
  16. I'd like to see if the categories and the numbers for each category, showing invitations issued less vaccinated with a running balance and by vaccine type. I'm also interested to see what the take up is for each category. We need to be sure that we have enough people in the community to ensure herd immunity.
  17. Another one that's made it's way to the shredder.
  18. Hurrah! Something people can understand. That's exactly what is required.
  19. This 'thing', as you describe it, is not going to be over. It's going to be part of our existence until it runs out of hosts and the only way that will happen is with vaccines. Until we get to that stage we still have to function and use every tool at our disposal to get on with life and that includes science and technology probably in equal measure. Closing the border is only a short term solution not the solution.
  20. Aye.... The same as "look at what you could've won!'
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