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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. It's already happened..... construction sector have never really stopped. The builders in Onchan were still busy at 14:30 wielding their angle grinders on two story scaffolding (minus hard hat and goggles/glasses).
  2. Our 93 year old family member 16th Feb for 1st jab and also arranged Wednesday morning. If they can't handle rolling out the Pzifer jabs on time how are they going to handle the OxfordAZ jabs? As I said before I would love to see the spreadsheet schedule.
  3. Well, the shredding of 'The Letter' and now a refusal to even review the decision on the returning 'heart attack' patient is not looking good for the MBE. Two events that seemingly make him a DHSC Minister without portfolio and responsibility. That'll be a first, shirley?
  4. You would think so, wouldn't you? This wouldn't be out of place in somewhere like Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
  5. How is that broken down, ie. +80s, vulnerable etc?
  6. Would love to see the IOM "Project Manager's" spreadsheet with the schedule.
  7. A Project Manager with an MBE, even! ETA: thought I'd mention the MBE in case some out there didn't know the connection.
  8. No appointments available? How is that possible?
  9. Ha! A singing banker.... would you Adam & Eve it! I wonder if she gets crotchety at times like this?
  10. Whoooaaa there Mrs. Woman!.... we'll have none of that stuff on here!
  11. Re: the heart attack lady Firstly hope she recovers after her ordeal, with or without support. Secondly and none of us aware of the actual ins-and-outs of her condition so this is kind off the cuff, has Nobles now shut down all emergency services as well as elective surgery? For someone to be parcelled up and sent to the UK following a heart attack means her condition must have been quite serious and beyond anything Nobles could do to assist her (but clearly not serious enough to warrant looking after once she gets home). Something doesn't add up. Unless things have changed very dramatically I was always told and have experienced myself that Nobles Stroke and Cardiology units and the surgeons are probably about the best you can get. And by the way since when has Magson had coronary training... she's banker by profession. As I say, we really don't know the ins-and-outs but I thought I'd chuck in my two pennyworth!
  12. Isn't he the Chamber of Commerce Retail Lead (or some other title)? He's certainly more vocal than any of the other CoC dodos.
  13. You mean like the IOM construction industry being locked-down?
  14. That ain't going to happen. Boris is already under pressure from party members to get the country back to work as soon as the aged & vulnerable have been jabbed (whether it's one jab or two). It's in the Guardian so it must be true!
  15. Agreed. All he's doing is regurgitating what's already out there. Nothing new. The world's full of plagiarists.
  16. Well, it's a bit sooner than I thought would happen but......... the construction industry are back at work, in Onchan at least. Brickies up two levels of scaffolding wielding angle grinders (even without safety glasses or a helmet).
  17. Oh dear: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-55658942
  18. So why is it then, that we could bypass UK DHSS for PPE when there wasn't enough to go around last year? We managed to do deals to get them direct fro the manufacturers. Why can't we do the same with the vaccine producers? The amount of vaccines we're looking at to do the whole Island would probably be about half of what the AstraZeneca Wrexham plant can produce in one day.
  19. In the same way that the BBC licence fee refund is not really IOM licence-holders money.
  20. +1 It won't be long before UK citizens that have already been vaccinated and wishing to travel will be banging on No 10's door to get Boris to lift their lock-downs so that they can visit relatives and businesses everywhere else in UK, including the CD's. If Boris lifts the lock-downs we won't have anywhere near the numbers vaccinated to allow for that. Whilst I understand the need to be cautious in certain operational areas I can't help thinking that we're going to get left behind and the inevitable angst that will accompany it, on both shores. It's because we're a small community that we need to get immunity in the quickest time possible whilst continuing to test & monitor arrivals.
  21. See a couple of pages back, I posted a link to a BBC article of UK company developing it.
  22. It started on Monday. The tone was a definite shift from look how wonderful the swabbing people are doing to get your mask on otherwise the newly formed COVID Response Police Unit will come-a-knocking ....... still no mention of sorry we fucked up on the testing malarkey.
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