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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I doubt that. I'm more inclined to think it's personal, a senior medic in the Manx equivalent of SAGE who doesn't like someone else pointing out that without data you're flying blind. Someone's ego has been badly dinted by Rachel's knowledge & expertise.
  2. As I said earlier on, it's probably non-negotiable anyway.
  3. It's to be hoped he will but HRH the CM will pass it over to the MBE who will then delegate it to HE. Pass the parcel time.
  4. That's an interesting analogy! Must remember that one in future.
  5. Indeed Roger. Anyone who thought the days of silo ministries was a thing of the past shouldn't need to look any further. Joined up government my arse! I can't help get the feeling though that despite her apparent single mindedness, that when the thorny issue of Dr Glover rears it's head she's very non-committal. The issue about sending tests to Liverpool because it's part of a wider UK set of numbers is sheer poppy-cock. The IOM numbers wouldn't make a dint in their percentages.
  6. They're probably non-negotiable anyway.
  7. Using percentages with a small data set is next to useless. And I'm really surprised that this bullshit is still being rolled out by the MBE and his Public Health cohorts. We're talking people here in a community of no more than 85K. They are people that we know, not someone across the other side of the planet. I do wish they'd stop this percentages crap and start talking about real numbers.
  8. It's not scaremongering. It's highlighting the potential of what it is capable of if it's not dealt with properly. The risk management is only as good as the 'treatment'. The treatment (testing) was removed because someone in their almighty wisdom couldn't see that a positive test on arrival and subsequent tests was a good move. It was more about this stupid idea that somehow using percentages would wish it away. A positive test is as good as a negative. Simply because you know it's there and can do something about it and stop it in it's tracks. Just wait and see what happens JW.
  9. 3 days a week is not enough. If one person with the 'old' coronavirus passes it onto three people, and those three people pass onto three more people for ten cycles, there will be 59,000 infections. That's almost 70% of the Island's population. The 'new' variant will rip through our community at an alarming rate. What is it that COMIN and their advisers don't understand? As I have said in the other blog, I have now lost all confidence in the Public Health advice.
  10. If the MBE comes on today and says there's no rush to vaccinate, then there'll be a shitstorm waiting for him and the rest of COMIN because it's been in the community probably since middle of last month, if not before. You really don't need to be a genius to work that out. Get those vaccines in people's arms before it's too late. I can't tell you how fucking angry I am that they thought testing was a waste of time. I'm afraid I no longer have any faith in the Public Health advice being given to COMIN.
  11. That's definitely a "no shit Sherlock" moment, if ever there was one.
  12. Do they know yet where the transmission occured with the wee one from St. Mary's school?
  13. I don't think anyone is advocating that there should be a change in the protocol or a change in the list of priorities, only the speed at which it should be done. We're not ahead of the game, that much is at least clear to me. We took two steps back by withdrawing some testing and then not testing at all, as well as really pissing off the one lab on the Island that could roll out results in a timely manner to provide the info needed to confirm that what we were doing was right. That has now backfired and we're in a lockdown. It was said earlier that it's not a race. It is a race. A race to stop the virus from getting into the community by testing and a race to get as many people as possible vaccinated. A belt and braces process at both ends will break the chain of infection. And I'm really surprised that some on here can't see that.
  14. Ye gods, please don't give them anymore ideas and excuses to delay it by building an over-engineered and over-budget helipad!
  15. Well if you do it will be because someone has shaken the vial when they shouldn't have!
  16. The same as we should be pushing ahead with the vaccine roll-out. I can't believe the Courier headlines, "Vaccine Roll-Out Can't be Done Faster". You'd think with what's happened over the last 48 hours or so there'd be a sense of urgency..... but no, this is traa dy liooar at it's best. Quite unbelievable.
  17. This is not the first time the numbers have been screwed up. I think Roger M picked up on that last time around.
  18. But has the testing issue been rectified? Until Ms Glover and her company are back onboard then I have my doubts that the testing regime is anything more than just adequate.
  19. And it's at that point there'll be a significant housing issue. There's going to be a big divide of available and affordable properties between the different housing sectors.
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