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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. FWIW I think the situation with BMC is as much political as it is technical. It was IOMG who insisted on having her as a backup in the Sea Services Agreement so should have been fully aware of what was required to keep her compliant for the future. Sounds to me like a funding issue.
  2. Absolutely no idea what to expect to be honest. It's an interesting concept.
  3. But what happened/happens if no one else steps up?
  4. The number of work permits issued for the "employees" of the firm should equal the same number of ITIP records opened. Do they, in fact? And if they are ITIP registered employees where does the company & employee stand on the benefit in kind rules if they are all being housed and fed at the company's expense? Make no mistake these egaming companies make vast amounts of profit, and yes I know they have licences to pay for but I just hope that there's a level playing field when it comes to the "indigenous" companies doing boz in the Island.
  5. That's probably a fair assumption to make but does that match the reality? Hence my question earlier up the thread.
  6. Nope. That one must have slipped under the radar. Is there a link that provides the story behind this?
  7. Are there not visa restrictions on how long they can stay? And..... are they all employees, paying/contributing to NI & tax, or are they contractors with payments for their services being made in their "home" country??
  8. How about not voting or better still spoil the ballot papers, at least spoilt papers are declared and would indicate a measure of dissatisfaction.
  9. Eh, peat tractor? Wosaltharabowt?
  10. What's the purpose of it, other than employing at least one person on £50Kpa? There's a veritable legion of people in the "Green" Cabinet Office.... surely it would have made economic sense to use the resources that already exist? The application wasn't a "do or die" scenario, was it?
  11. That amount is down the back of the sofa money.
  12. Yes that was pointed out in one of the dailies comments section.
  13. The Bid is still open... you may still be in with chance, Glad.
  14. That price for that sign is a bit on the cheap side. Stick another zero on the end and the job will be yours! 😉
  15. Ha! You can bet they will be forced to install and implement them within the next couple of years, bit like the RESA debacle.
  16. That's all I think most people want. We don't need, nor I suspect is there any serious demand for, a pre or post check-in "shopping experience" like the big airports. The numbers just won't warrant that type of operation being sustainable. Why can't we have an airport that just works as it should? On this occasion there's no necessity to think outside the box as it's all very basic stuff. Yes, it could do with a lick of paint and the upstairs departure lounge extending possibly but there's no need for anything more at the moment.
  17. Anecdotally I think the failure rate is high if the ATCO trainee for whatever reason finds that it doesn't suit them or they don't make the grade. There are as many leaving the job as the are applicants for training, if you believe what some industry papers/journals say. That's the main reason for the global shortage. Of course a remote ATC needs qualified staff, why wouldn't it? The only difference is that airports with low numbers of movements like IOM will struggle to maintain their own facility due to the cost. Remote ATCs work around the world. Norway has 11 remote airports controlled from one tower. It will happen for IOM out of necessity.
  18. Stu. Have the new generation security scanners been installed yet?
  19. Aye... and there's a strong rumour going around that you won't be able to apply for an IOM Bus GO Silver card (for OAPs) until you're dead. Now that's what you call a saving. 😉 As I said elsewhere on this Forum this government is NOT of the people, by the people for the people. It just doesn't give a shit.
  20. Remote ATC will happen eventually and we/they need to be ready for when it will be the only option going into the future. If only because of the lack of people coming forward to train. That and the expense of training ATCs. As far as corporatisation is concerned, if it happens the operator will be knocking on IOMG doors within 5 years asking for a hand-out because they can't make it pay. There simply isn't the passenger traffic and the resultant revenue to sustain the operation. Some people in DOI with responsibility for the airport, including the so-called shadow board, need to get their heads around the fact that it's a numbers game, nothing else. It's all down to critical mass.
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