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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Is this the sign of things to come for travellers?
  2. You are not alone in that regard.
  3. Nope. As I recall Majordomo Ashford confirmed that IOMG is not being charged anything.... at the moment. But I work on the maxim that nothing in life is free so I'm sure we'll pay for it one way or another in the future.
  4. Indeed we are and they will be. Minster Skelly, as a prime mover of the Biomed sector you're keeping awfully quiet about all of this. Do you have anything to say to support the one company that can actually provide some assurance in the field of testing? Shouldn't you be supporting companies like Taxa Genomics?
  5. I wonder if we would get it any quicker if IOMG paid for it? In the big scheme of things 80K odd isn't a huge number and is certainly affordable providing DOI don't spaff any more money on minibuses or any other nice-to-have stuff.
  6. Been like that since then the start of this administration. Real political leadership is non-existent. It's just an extension of the executive.
  7. I think you give him far too much credit. He was probably waiting for decisions/guidance from PHE & Ministry of Justice. The last IOM had to deal with something anywhere approaching COVID was WW2, so no experience to call on.
  8. One thing in particular that hit me between the eyes whilst reading it was.... how can IOM possibly develop a BioMed sector when it didn't even have the basic legal structures in place to handle simple and basic and things like movement & consent of samples of various kinds between jurisdictions? Just goes to show how shallow some of these DfE projects are.
  9. That's because they were in private hands. I dare say the CN wouldn't have created as much of hullabaloo if it was in private ownership. It would probably have been razed by now.
  10. But Cyril's Servants get an additional day to those listed above: Details are here.
  11. I'm trying to work out whether two Wrights make a wrong
  12. Saw the advert for ZipVit banner at the top and thought.... blimey how the hell did they manage to get hold of that? AstraZeneca agreed with Oxford Uni Lab to manufacture and sell at more affordable prices to the lesser well off countries, hence the big difference. (Just in case anyone reading this didn't know the story)
  13. I think the clincher to establishing a wider tolerance & reduction of the spread will be the roll-out of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. There's no requirement a convoluted logistics process that the Pfizer vaccine demands. Journos should be asking the question as to what proportion of the Oxford vaccine will the Island get (and when) once it's been given approval (given the fact that the UK government has ordered 100 million of these).
  14. As I said returning family forcing some DHSC employees to isolate with them. Having said that, I'm not sure if IOMG are still handing out dosh so the returners can isolate independently of the main family. Is that financial support still available? Whatever the case, the issue seems to be getting the right (or sufficient) numbers of DHSC and associated care workers to make sure a tray or trays of the vaccine is/are completely administered, ie, no wasted vials. At least that's what I've been told.
  15. The drivers are more likely to be Bulgarian, Polish & Turkish rather than French. ETA: and most of the deck hands on French fishing boats will not be French either.
  16. Yes, it's interesting that the media only show Barnowl and his immediates arriving for meetings in London & Brussels. What you don't see are the hoards of administrators, minimum of 30 from each side I'm told that attend side meetings away from the main conclave. A number in these groups were, until recently, allowed to roam the City. What's not to say that the visitors didn't bring it in with them. There'll be some interesting investigative media reports coming up in the months ahead.
  17. I was told that there are a number of medical and care personnel that have been, or still are, isolating due to members of their family returning to the Island and is one of the reasons for the deferment of the roll-out. The indemnity/liability stuff is sorted, I'm told. Once a tray of vials has been thawed then it has to be used within a certain time and given the fact that each vial contains 5 vaccinations DHSC needs to ensure that every single one counts. It would also make sense to ensure that the maximum number of medical and care personnel are vaccinated within the same time frame to guarantee continuity of service. Without a planned program for these people there'd be a risk of some services not being available. Although I'm not sure what would happen if any of these people refuse to have the vaccine.
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