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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Unless someone else has mentioned it further up the thread I was told earlier today that the vaccine program for IOM will start January 4th 2021.
  2. AFAIK the lady is a registered (for benefit purposes, attendance allowance??)) with DHSC. From a conversation with her a couple of days back I got the impression that she was expecting a letter as her mother gets regular health visits from a nurse. I'll suggest she asks the nurse to follow it up.
  3. If the shit collecting process/system by tankers already exists and work why not expand it? But then of course that's the simple answer as it doesn't require a plethora of design engineers/consultants, surveyors, building contractors, DOI staff admin staff to man a website telling them that they're only 2 years behind schedule but all will be oK.
  4. I'd get Hepatitis A, B & C jabs if I were you. Last I was in there was just over a year ago (and by the sounds of it, it hasn't impoved), I recall thinking how the hell has this place has managed to avoid being shut down. Do the environmental inspectorate get free beer?
  5. Where do home carers come on the list, ie those caring for relatives in their own home? Asking for a neighbour because they haven't yet received a letter.
  6. Install septic tanks. Yes it will increase the number of sludge tankers on the road but there'd probably be a saving from not having to build new infrastructure. Whatever is decided will cost a lot of money. The planners and independent inspectors really shouldn't be be approving any new builds in areas where there is no infrastructure connecting to IRIS until a proper plan is in place. It's all cart before the horse stuff.
  7. Lots of us said the very same thing when Minister Gawne first rolled out the plans. A dysfunctional project presided over by a dysfunctional Government Department and executive.
  8. Actually, I think DHSC are probably waiting for the Oxford/AZ to be given the go-ahead. The logistics process is a lot less convoluted and can be produced much quicker. I don't see any reason why IOM should have to wait any longer than CI to get the first supply from Pfizer. The fact that Jersey in closer geographically to Belgium really is a shit answer from HRH the Minister DHSC in that video.
  9. My theory, FWIW, is that he persuaded a Whithorn fishing vessel to load the jetski on board and then lower it into the water at some point half way across, board it & then make his way to Ramsey, if indeed that was his intended port of arrival, which I don't think it was. I've travelled from Douglas to Whitehaven in a diesel powered ex 23ft Navy clinker built lifeboat. From Douglas we headed up to Maughold Head and then took a bearing just south of Bahama Bank onto Whitehaven. It was the middle of summer, sea was slight and the tide and swell running over Bahama Bank is deceptively strong, you need some power to keep on course. It can pull and push you off course each time water runs over the top of it. The same north of the Bank. As JW points out the current and tide further north are very strong and you'd need a fair amount of power to stay on course. And, you need to keep an eye out for ferries plying their route. Frankly I think if he tried to do it again he might not be so lucky.
  10. Special instructions (plus the MSDS) were issued by Pfizer for handling and transport but those have only been made available to the transport/forwarding companies that have a contract with Pfizer. So the Boy David is probably correct. However, local storage and distribution instructions are widely available on t'interweb but not from factory gate to final destination or regional hub.
  11. Sweaty bollocks I night suggest, having walked from Ramsey to Douglas!
  12. I presume when you say contraception you're referring to the chaps, not the chapesses? In which case may be they can fund the purchase of rubbers themselves? They're not expensive are they?
  13. I thought the new KFC drive-in was going to be on Peel Rd?
  14. I know. Whoever it is that pronounces it as 'pleece' drives the missus nuts. Similarly she can't abide hearing 'yous'. Yews she says are female sheep..... grrrrrr!
  15. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-chief-medical-officers-statement-on-the-self-isolation-period-11-december-2020
  16. Ashford understands nothing. He's just repeating what he's read from his masters in London.
  17. The £3.5 million is just the starters. For every director, senior manager there'll be an assistant or deputy, or deputy assistant even. The expenditure will just rumble on in time honoured CS fashion with very little regard to the coal face workers and with no real benefit to or for the patient. Waiting lists will still exist, shortage of GPs, mental health provision will continue to fail and the addiction services will still have to rely on handouts from the Lottery Trust. Deckchair moving on a grand scale.
  18. He polled less than Shimmins in 2016 and scraped in by 115 votes ahead of Paul Craine to get a Seat. Hardly a ringing endorsement, was it?
  19. An issue, I suspect, is that now the pressure is off in terms of urgent action for testing (because we're going to eradicate COVID!) and with a vaccine on the imminent horizon, the DHSC will by now have handed any potential contract negotiations over to the AGs implant in the dept. I also suspect the scope and terms that Rachel is seeking to agree won't quite fit into any existing templates they have on file. All of the above assumes Rachel's company has been approved through the usual procurement process via the online portal. Given her own credentials you might think that wouldn't be a problem. However, it wouldn't surprise me if she was made to jump through hoops because of what she has said in recent weeks. The one thing that puzzles me about this whole debacle is if, for some reason, a significant outbreak of COVID hit our shores would the lab be qualified to a) handle it, b) have the necessary skills and capability to assess the results, c) have the necessary quality assurance and documented processes in place to provide that service? Are any of the government labs ISO assured/accredited and regularly monitored? If not, why not?
  20. It will probably be the only way they'll stay in the air.
  21. Actually I think the cost element is a significant factor in there not being a contract in place with Rachel's company. Which is ironic really when you think about it, because IOMG (DfE in particular) have gone to great lengths in pushing and promoting the Biomed sector but won't actually support a company that provides those type of services when needed. They're happy to buy stuff at cost but not pay the market price. Tells you everything you need to know about the CS mindset. Dickheads.
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