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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Roger - I'm surprised that you're surprised! This is IOMG we're discussing here. Even the most rudimentary of stats like what someone died of (or from) didn't exist until the current Director of Public Health turned up and realised that she would have to start from scratch to create the data she would need to create public health policies.
  2. It's started already.... Turns out that both have a history of allergic reactions!
  3. No idea Glad. Can't find any reference to the pic or text on MR website.
  4. We're not sure..... the silly bugger's gone and shredded the letter and he's forgotten the dates.
  5. Caption for the second photo: Watterson: Put your mark there, next to my X.
  6. Why would Manx Radio sign a Covenant with the Armed Forces?
  7. IOMG do that every day of the week, especially DfE & DOI !! 😁
  8. When it was on the news last night both myself and my good lady looked at each other and said exactly the same!
  9. It wasn't so long ago that some countries wouldn't allow you in unless you had a negative HIV test result.
  10. According to NB there's a budget for the Prom work! Nearly fell off my chair laughing.
  11. We should try the real version of this
  12. Speaking of Ryanair: A man is alone in an airport lounge. A beautiful woman walks in and sits down at the table next to him. He decides, because she's wearing a uniform, she's probably an off-duty stewardess. So he decides to have a go at picking her up by identifying the airline she flies for, thereby impressing her greatly. He leans across to her and says the British Airways motto : 'To Fly. To Serve'. The woman looks at him blankly. He sits back and thinks up another line. He leans forward again and delivers the Air France motto: 'Winning the hearts of the world'. Again she just stares at him with a slightly puzzled look on her face. Undeterred, he tries a third time, this time saying the Malaysian Airlines motto: 'Going beyond expectations'. The woman looks at him sternly and says: 'What the fuck do you want?' 'Ah ha!' he says, "Ryanair".
  13. Some further detail on the logistics issue here.
  14. It didn't help with that party that went on in a hotel (the name of which I can't recall).
  15. Very, very few. The dry-ice boxes are only stable for up to 10 days (allegedly).
  16. So why the back-tracking? I thought this element of the design was ditched because of cost and potential Mexican stand-offs between motorists and pedestrians? Have DOI found some pennies down the back of the sofa? This is going to be a monumental over-spend (notwithstanding the extra costs to allow for the Broadway and Church Rd utility upgrades)! This is all going to cost the original amount that Minister Gawne said it would, £30+ million?
  17. Sorry to say it is a logistical issue. The vaccine will be transported in dry ice boxes not in cold-chain sea containers (not initially at least) and the bulk of it will be air freighted in order to keep them viable on arrival. All of the major integrators (DHL, FEDEX etc) have been busy creating cold-chain farms around the world for storing them whilst they wait on governments to call off stocks. ETA: then there's the issue of whether there are enough syringes to go around to administer the vaccine.
  18. Where have you read that? Or is that your assumption?
  19. So they haven't scrapped the shared space design after all then?
  20. That was tried a number of years back at The Bowl/NSC but I think the take up was pretty dire.
  21. Not just new business..... but to hang on to the business we already have!
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