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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I don't think anyone is saying that it should be done for fuck all. As I see it, it's the quality of some of the people that are employed and the untouchability in regard to their actions or inaction. Bonuses based on targets achieved, there'll be some positions where that won't work but for the general pen-pusher then regular performance reviews by a Tynwald committee. Fixed terms for Dept CEOs. If they want top money then they'll have to be prepared to work for it. I think if the Government actually started to get real about performance and started to empty the slackers, incompetents and downright 'blaggers' and started acting like a proper employer then we might start to get the right applicants. If you read through some of the job adverts it makes it sound as if we're desperate, offering all sorts of promises. Why don't the adverts say "don't bother applying unless you have the relevant experience, capability and drive to work for the taxpayer". Weed out the undesirables at the start of the process.
  2. Most of us can only dream of those sort of salaries. Posts in the CS carry very little risk in relation to job security. Unlike the privates sector.
  3. Slight adjustment.... and yes, it should be reflected in the salary..... but it won't!
  4. The wise thing to have done was not to even think about reading it out. If either HRH HQ or DA MBE had any nouse between them they could have issued an internal memo to the staff concerned assuring them that all of their efforts are valued. As Sgt Wilson would have said to Capt Mainwaring (after he was thinking of doing something outrageous).... "do you think that's wise, sir?".
  5. https://thepointsguy.co.uk/news/airlines-push-slot-waiver-extension/
  6. I wonder if the fact that the Executive Chairman of Loganair is a Manxman had anything to do with the contract arrangements?
  7. No apologies necessary... I probably should have made myself clearer.
  8. I'm absolutely not making any excuses. There's been no one on here more critical than me over this debacle. You missed the point. I'm of the opinion that he didn't do this off his own back, he's not that clever. The back-office bod who advised him to go down the letter route (Cabinet Office media office?) made the colossal feck up. He's been led by the nose and is now paying for it. The GDPR excuse was a classic Sir Humphrey response/bullshit.
  9. It has all the tones of a junior back-office Sir Humphrey feck up.
  10. That's Declan, that is. (joke Declan)
  11. I have no idea what MK the Jag is. The only person I know (figuratively speaking) who drives/drove a Jag of that era is/was Morse. My response Capt. Mainwaring-esque. ("well done Wilson, I wondered who'd be the first to spot that!")
  12. Is it to allow vehicular access to the prom walkway? And aren't public toilets located there as well?
  13. Well done that man... I wondered who'd be the first to spot that!
  14. This gives you some insight into how complex some of the issues are surrounding subventions etc., the pdf downloads are worth a reading.
  15. I think you'll find that's Morse in the Jag.
  16. Policy in itself doesn't seem to be an issue as that's driven by the executive, mostly. The main problem is politicians curbing the executive's excesses in implementing them. The executive are, seemingly, untouchable when it comes to managing either their own finances or that of thew taxpayer funding their projects.
  17. For the purposes of COVID, when is a Manx resident not a Manx resident?
  18. https://www.loganair.co.uk/contact-us/travel-trade-support/our-airline-partners/
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