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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. The COVID police are out in force in the South of England....
  2. I wonder if the Minister ever considered sharing the contents of the letter with the political members of DHSC before he shredded it? If he had then surely one of them would be able to verify that both the contents and sender were bona fide?
  3. Whatever GDPR says surely the act of reading the letter out in public means it automatically becomes a public document? Or does that now mean that any document that is read aloud by a government official or minister in public can magically disappear?
  4. China. See my post earlier about container shortages and soaring costs.
  5. Looks like we're going to have to agree to disagree. Making it easier for people to get from/to IOM globally should be a consideration. Dismissing it out of hand is short-sighted.
  6. LCY - hard to get out of if you need to connect with either LHR or LGW. It adds at least 3 hours to your journey before you even get anywhere near a long haul aircraft and sometimes requires an overnight stay before a flight departing LGW or LHR. It's really only any good if you want to visit LON for entertainment or the City for business. Let's not forget that as well as considering our own on-Island needs there are others who would benefit from better links to IOM, are they to be ignored? Statistics would suggest that the preferred entry to UK is LHR.
  7. We could be talking 3 years before even international airlines get back to anywhere near the sort of route coverage they had prior to CV-19, so maintaining the domestic links to LHR & MAN on a lightly regulated basis is, I would suggest, of paramount importance. Dependable and sustainable services is what is required in these uncertain times and beyond.
  8. I'd be interested to hear what Terry Liddiard has to say on the current situation. Perhaps the Press/Media would invite him to let us have his thoughts on where and how he thinks things will pan out.
  9. So are you for or against IOMG involvement in IOMSPCo, the People's Ferry?
  10. DHSC will admit to nothing... no government department will or they'll leave themselves wide open to case after case of litigation. Not admitting any errors (accidentally or otherwise) forces the other side to prove negligence and once the papers have been served there'll be a settlement out of court.
  11. Any chance you can provide the link, please?
  12. https://ukaviation.news/loganair-eyes-heathrow-to-isle-of-man-route/
  13. From the outset I always thought that the level of asymptomatics would be much higher than was being reported, simply because of the lack of testing (UK in particular). Had these folk been identified earlier then they would have had to isolate. No questions or excuses. If asymptomatics are found outside of isolation then they deserve to get the book thrown at them.
  14. And that's because some think that because they don't have symptoms then they must be negative, which as we all know (well, most of us do) being asymptomatic means that others are still at risk. If they were tested on arrival some, granted not all, would have been picked up.
  15. We can't wait for the vaccine to prove if it's viable or not. Testing has to happen as well.
  16. Even with the vaccine you could be waiting until next summer or later. COMIN need to start communicating very soon with IOM residents over possible processes to allow people to move to/from UK and even Eire early in the new year. If not, I foresee some (or should I say more) ignoring and risking the consequences with the current restrictions because they simply have to get on with life.
  17. https://jerseyeveningpost.com/news/2020/11/07/islanders-warned-that-jersey-could-be-heading-for-another-lockdown-as-active-cases-top-100/
  18. You mean taxpayer's expense.... the DOI only exists courtesy of the taxpayer..... unfortunately.
  19. And substantially over budget. Speaking of budgets......... does anyone know if there is a publicly available QS bill of materials available and project costings for inspection for the various stages of the project? If not I might be submitting a FOI. I'm told that the cluster-feck that is the bottom of Broadway was/has been known before the project began. In which case you have to wonder why DOI didn't arrange for test pits/holes to be dug to determine the extent of the problem before digging up the whole prom. Similarly, the bottom of Church Rd Marina.
  20. In broad terms IOMG doesn't help itself with it's online presence. In this day and age a governments online presence should be the main gateway to information on it's activities and services provided. Finding information online about even the most mundane things can be friggin' hard work. We're not talking 'secret' stuff here just basic information and processes. The website is a mess and needs simplifying. How the heck IOM gets to be the 5th most likely country to step foot again on the moon whilst it can't even inform it's own inhabitants on how and where to find stuff is beyond me.
  21. But they do..... they're masters at it.
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