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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. You mean taxpayer's expense.... the DOI only exists courtesy of the taxpayer..... unfortunately.
  2. And substantially over budget. Speaking of budgets......... does anyone know if there is a publicly available QS bill of materials available and project costings for inspection for the various stages of the project? If not I might be submitting a FOI. I'm told that the cluster-feck that is the bottom of Broadway was/has been known before the project began. In which case you have to wonder why DOI didn't arrange for test pits/holes to be dug to determine the extent of the problem before digging up the whole prom. Similarly, the bottom of Church Rd Marina.
  3. In broad terms IOMG doesn't help itself with it's online presence. In this day and age a governments online presence should be the main gateway to information on it's activities and services provided. Finding information online about even the most mundane things can be friggin' hard work. We're not talking 'secret' stuff here just basic information and processes. The website is a mess and needs simplifying. How the heck IOM gets to be the 5th most likely country to step foot again on the moon whilst it can't even inform it's own inhabitants on how and where to find stuff is beyond me.
  4. But they do..... they're masters at it.
  5. I'm not Manx but with the same circumstances, except in reverse. But you're leaving anyway?
  6. Possible, but I still think that moving your lock, stock and barrel just because of CV seems a bit strange or may be now that house prices have shot up people are now in a position to get what they were asking for. ETA: Roger has posted much the same in regard to house prices.
  7. Anyone moving simply because of CV-19 seems a bit drastic, especially when you've been resident for a few years. I suspect that it's more to do with lack of opportunity to grow a business or professionally due to the small economy. If I recall Derek has long talked about moving back to the UK.
  8. https://www.globallegalchronicle.com/thyme-opco-limiteds-acquisition-of-flybe-limited/
  9. He's doing a White-Man-And-Van jobbie.
  10. I know where Blackpool is, never heard of bust. Where is it? It's a bit like that news headline "Jobs in Jeopardy".
  11. He certainly hasn't covered himself with glory in this instance. Whatever the rights or wrongs about this issue with Rachel it should not have got as far as it did. If your only response to deflect criticism is to use someone else to cover up for your failings then you shouldn't really be in that position. Anywhere other than government and he would probably have been shown the door.
  12. It's amazing how quickly you can go off some people, isn't it?
  13. There's no harm in saying it again.... albeit in the vain hope that someone out there to whom it refers reads it.... again!
  14. It's been so long since we've had a direct route into LHR that most 'businessmen' have either managed with other routing or put up with absorbing or passing on the costs between LCY &/or LGW to LHR and vicky verka. Taking the Tube/DLR to LHR with a large 25kg suitcase and wheeled laptop bag ain't fun. The coach connections between LGW/LHR aren't bad providing you don't get held up on the M25 because of lanes being closed due to the frequent pile-ups. And more often than not you have to overnight, either on the way there or on the way back. Last time I was on my way out to LGW (heading for LHR) I sat next to a gentleman from USA who said that the only issue he had with IOM was the "God damn lousy transport links". We travelled together from LGW to LHR.
  15. Actually I was referring to the fact that I posted the link on Thursday (first)!
  16. Yet again Manx Radio (and Manx media in general ) incapable of doing their own research: https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/future-of-festive-flights-to-london-uncertain/
  17. The Union flag is a powerful a symbol now as it ever was, despite the regional and devolved crap going on that's going to cost the residents in those areas dearly.
  18. Well, if you were in IOM the chances of you contracting CV-19 in the community is almost zero. The UK has CV-19 by the bucket load. If you wanted to retain CV-19 free whilst in the UK community then you're likely to take more care. I know I would.
  19. She owns the company, doesn't she? I can't help thinking there's a massive irony about this in the respect that Rachel has invested and is very active in one of IOMG's much publicised business sectors, BioMed. Yet when it comes to using any services from one of the businesses that they are promoting they choose the cheapest way out by setting her up as a bank employee rather than pay the going rate. Fair do's you might say the taxpayer needs value for money but now the Nobles lab staff are trained there's no further use for Rachel's services. IOMG has history when it comes to this kind of behaviour. Well fuck you IOMG.
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