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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Good post Roger. I can't help thinking that there are similarities with this latest debacle to that of the October 2017 car crash media briefing on the Panorama investigation into the VAT treatment of business aircraft! Shambolic and amateurish. In situations such as this I'm always reminded of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_holes#:~:text=The first law of holes,on and exacerbating the situation.
  2. Ulterior motives at play here fella....... you do realise most are waiting for an update on the sex bit, don't you?
  3. As I said earlier, sitting and doing nothing is not really going to be an option come the New Year.
  4. If there is a problem then it's not the UK supply chain. It lies elsewhere. Try Googling "container shortages" and you'll see why there might be disruptions in some supply chains. And there's no reason to suspect or expect that food supplies will be affected. The food supply chain is a different animal altogether.
  5. https://www.anna.aero/2020/10/28/loganair-wont-be-another-flybe-md-tell-us-isle-of-man-to-lhr-coming/
  6. You might be surprised how that sort of stuff doesn't get sorted right from day one. I witnessed it.
  7. Compliance. That's what I was alluding to earlier in the thread.
  8. Something tells me that insurance compliance might be behind 'employment' issue.
  9. From 1st November it will be 8 months (or thereabouts) since emergency laws/regulations were introduced and so if COMIN haven't formulated a plan on protecting the most vulnerable in our society by now, whilst the rest can about their business on/off Island, then we will all be screwed. Waiting for the UK to sort themselves out should not be the only option. I haven't seen or heard anything that might suggest they actually do have a clue. Stopping the arrival testing on day 7 was a retrograde step IMO, if for no other reason than we have no data to formulate any future policy or processes on. We (they) should use every tool in the box to make a difference, not just sit idly by and hope for the best. I hope that I am wrong and COMIN are working on something in the background but from what we're being told it appears to be nowt other than "as you were".
  10. If they don't have a strategy leading up to Xmas (other than a unidents staggered return) then there won't be one after Xmas either as IOMG drift along. I'm inclined to agree with Nellie's scenario. And that scenario is worrying.
  11. No doubt and some with a cherry on top as well.
  12. https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-south-africas-covid-lockdown-may-have-created-herd-immunity-12116494
  13. As I said, if you stopped paying it then you would soon find out if a liability existed or not. The lawyers would think all their Christmas' had come at once!
  14. If the pensions were not paid the numbers wouldn't be arbitrary. Or have I got that wrong?
  15. I might be wrong but if it wasn't for her we probably wouldn't have had the testing facility up and running in such a short time.
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