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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. You don't have to be clever, some times it becomes a "necessity is the mother of invention" scenario.
  2. Judging by the next 10 days weather report there'll be nowt of any substance going on down there. Whoever thought they'd have it all done by next March should be put out in the long wet grass.
  3. Indeed. I recall listening to her when she made her first appearance at a Tynwald Committee sitting. She was scathing about the lack of basic data, particularly statistics on cancer treatments, subsequent deaths and mortality reporting in general, as I recall.
  4. Indeed. But it looks as though Cyrus haven't thrown in the towel: https://news.sky.com/story/former-flybe-shareholder-cyrus-in-talks-about-reviving-collapsed-regional-airline-12106341
  5. https://www.flightglobal.com/airlines/prospects-for-flybe-sale-lift-as-administrators-retain-licence-and-slots/140667.article
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/stories-54537419
  7. Does that mean we will have the segregated 2m distancing for the aged and key workers queuing outside the shops again, like we did earlier in the year?
  8. It does happen. My niece who arrived two weeks ago last Thursday was called three times during her two weeks isolation and visited twice. My next door neighbour who isolated for the first week got a visit during that week and then went on to pay the £50. She had a negative test result and returned to work this morning after semi-isolation for the second week.
  9. But may be the others did what they were required to do in accordance with the regulations and obeyed our laws, go straight to their digs and then straight to their job and back to their digs. The Famous Five didn't. That's the difference.
  10. I have spoken with four people in the last 10 days who returned from UK hospitals after surgery and all were told (presumably by DHSC) that they would need to have the 7 day test. I will check and revert where that instruction came from.
  11. I didn't have you down as the eternal optimist type! 😂
  12. I wonder how many out of the total day 7 tests actually paid for it? I'm hearing that those who have been to UK hospitals for treatment are required to have a mandatory 7 day test. And so, I suspect that the uptake for day 7 test outside of those people is low with some preferring to sit it out for 14 days.
  13. It's obvious that they are taking their advice from UK and have done so since day 1.
  14. Try this and see what response you get: chief.minister@gov.im with a copy to: Kayleigh.Parkinson@gov.im (Executive Assistant to the Chief Secretary)
  15. That's what said, pages and pages back. You can have as many traffic light systems as you like but when the areas folk are coming from enter the red zone then it's a no brainer.
  16. But isn't that proposed action in response to the general rise in cases in the UK?
  17. https://jerseyeveningpost.com/news/2020/10/06/compulsory-isolation-for-all-passengers-from-next-week/
  18. Do you really think the majority of the younger generation look at the numbers and make informed decisions, or are just doing what young people do.... ignore everyone/everything else going on around them and carry on as if all was normal? I know I did when I was their age. Virus or no virus.
  19. My feeling is that by the time we get to Christmas most of the Uni folk will have had it and shed it. What the antibody situation will be though remains to be seen.
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