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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I can't believe that you think that's true.
  2. The Donald will blame Biden for passing it to him in the TV studio during their so-called "debate"!
  3. Here's the latest from the Jersey Traffic Light System: https://www.gov.je/Health/Coronavirus/Travel/Pages/DeclaringTravelHistory.aspx
  4. Notwithstanding the legal situation I can't believe the Island is short of coded welders......
  5. The main point I was making is that herd immunity is also not a reliable way of containing the spread, as antibodies are relatively short-lived.
  6. Isn't herd immunity only any good if you retain the antibodies? Evidence would suggest that antibodies only last for 3 months, after that you have to rely on your T cell count to battle the infection? Reinfections have happened, though I haven't seen any data as to the extent of the severity of the reinfection ie hospitalisation and/or deaths.
  7. I don't understand why the Student Uni bars are closed. Anything that reduces the risk of the virus getting out into the community should be considered?
  8. Yet again you have deliberately turned my comments into being "scaremonger mantra." Nothing could be further from the truth. Think through what I've written. And, by the way, it was me that pointed out to you that the most vulnerable were the ones that need more protection but when challenged you failed to come up with a cogent suggestion, it was above your pay grade, I think you said.
  9. I reckon tomorrows UK data (29th Sept) will be an important milestone coming as it does just after the start of the new academic year. The numbers to watch in 14 days time will be hospitalisations and 14 days after that the stats on deaths.
  10. https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-even-scientists-cant-agree-on-how-society-should-fight-covid-19-12082007
  11. The bottom of Broadway won't be open by end of next month, October is the second wettest month of the year.
  12. And it's fairly well known that the flu vaccine given to the over 65's is a waste time/money. Or so I have read.
  13. I wonder then, at what point the whole of the UK becomes a red traffic light?
  14. So how do you deal with the finite number of care workers and nursing staff, in the event of CV getting into the community? Serious question.
  15. Well it would help if you didn't post stuff like this:
  16. Been like that for years. That's nothing new.
  17. So for those whose immunity is compromised due reduced T-cells are the ones that we need to look out for, which is generally the aged? The older you get the less T cells you have to fight back?
  18. The only issue I have about the herd 'solution' is that it's only effective for as long as the antibody hangs around, max 3 months?
  19. The traffic light system will determine who travels and who doesn't. So it's largely out of their hands. We'll see but at the moment they're spending an awful lot of money at both ends of the 'supply chain' (for want of better words) to achieve some kind of normality.
  20. But they have, you said: I think not all is rosey in the Bailiwick if they are giving their own taxpayers money away. That's all I am saying. The costs to administer this must be horrendous.
  21. So why is the Jersey government handing out £100/person?
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