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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. It's immoral and plain wrong.
  2. Speech to text whilst dictating would save a lot of time, wouldn't it?
  3. The whole of the Cabinet Office is full of bullshit. The pile gets higher and smellier.
  4. Not sure what his business interests have to do with GNP but if you add the direct government or associated involvement in the GNP numbers you'll find that at 17% they are second behind Insurance not egaming. It reads like a communist government planned economy.
  5. But it's more important to stop the Bishop from voting in Tynwald. So for goodness sake get your priorities right! 🤣
  6. And whilst firms are shutting their doors and putting the lights out for the final time, the organisation that just keeps on giving can't help themselves and keep their doors open at the taxpayers expense. Will this shit ever end?:
  7. Most local fresh veg/salad is expensive, even potatoes bought at the gate; as are eggs, Andreas meats and even some tea & coffee.
  8. 101% The prices will go up because....well, there's no real competition or choice and if you had the opportunity to improve your bottom line without having to put too much effort or money into it, then why wouldn't you? It's quite simple really.
  9. It's good. It's called transparency.... up to a point!
  10. I never said anything about rates etc. I was referring to the fact that details of the winners and who took part are actually available on the procurement website.
  11. But some of the members of the sporting clubs you say who don't give a shit also live in Braddan. Three of the 12 basketball team that I mentioned earlier in the thread live in Braddan. And I think you're wide of the mark with the pharmacy as well.
  12. I think some of the sporting groups and clubs might disagree with the assertion that it's not needed. The NSC, I'm told, is unable to take many more team sports without it affecting existing booking arrangements.
  13. They should all be available to view publicly and none of it should going on quietly in the background. That's the whole point of having procurement portal. Transparency.
  14. All prices in all stores will rise to the near equivalent of the Express model within the 18 months I reckon.
  15. The BC rates set for the forthcoming year are just for starters.
  16. Yes, I suspect the Braddan rates will be significantly higher than all the other areas for a long to come. However, I think that once the access and parking issues are resolved it will be a very busy little place. I'm told that the bookings for the sports hall and courts are already filling up. A work colleague of mine visited yesterday to play basketball and says the cost and facilities are really good.
  17. The present hiatus puts me in mind of Lincoln's famous words, "government of the people, by the people, for the people". Both elected and executive are about as far removed from the electorate as can be and moving further away as the years roll by.
  18. So what percentage do you think then is acceptable and realistic?
  19. They PS are the largest block vote.
  20. Don't necessarily disagree but any further increases in pay and conditions from now on that's not met with corresponding reductions elsewhere will add to inflation. The issue is really not about frontline health or education, it's the so called desk jockeys elsewhere in IOMG. For example, do we really need a CEO and all the attendant expenses that goes with that job for each of the DfE Executive Agencies? The DfE is out of control, totally out of control.
  21. If ever there was proof that IOMG is responsible for adding to inflation, then this is it.
  22. Yes, my father used to talk about the hottentots during his time in North Africa during WW2, they were ammunition and ration bearers. As far as I remember he never used the hottentot word in a derogatory way at all, he referred to them simply as tribesmen from Southern Africa who were more than capable, when required, to walk/run long distances across the desert with messages/orders etc.
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