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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. For economic reasons the props win hands down on short regional flights. Jets are expensive.
  2. The reason why I asked is because when I first visited the Island almost 40 years ago there was a guy in Market Hall in Douglas who used to sell Levi seconds and he always told people they were from the Levi factory in Ramsey. I thought at the time that it was bullshit. But there you go.... it could have been true.
  3. I regularly drove through Burton Upon Trent in my younger days and the smell of Marstons brewing their ale as you drove past was something that I shall never forget. Their Pedigree is still a winner.
  4. I don't think I've ever seen 1907 on draught. Also agree about the bottled IPA much more betterer than the draught.
  5. They have my sympathy. There are some involved in other sectors where your physical presence is required elsewhere at the drop of a hat.
  6. DC have done sweet FA during the work, let alone after the over-topping. Yes, the prom in parts is screwed because of rubble and other fill material being left around. However, those parts that don't have that kind of unsightly mess have not been maintained. The area under the Villa arcade running parallel with the road is in a disgusting state, with cigarette butts, waste paper and weeds strewn along there. I doubt that area has seen a brush since the work started. If Councillor Christian engaged his workforce as often as he engages his mouth then the place wouldn't half as bad.
  7. You're not from around here, are you?
  8. Didn't realise they were going as far as 10K. The results should be an interesting read and I wonder what impact they will have on opening up the Island more.
  9. The recent 3,000 or so antibody tests might confirm that is the case: http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=56755&headline=Over 1,600 might have had Covid&sectionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2020
  10. Isn't it about time the police started handing out invoices (fixed penalty notices?) to single-vehicle accidents for their time? That might make a few think twice about pranging their motor up there. Or better still, instigate a series of financial penalties to the next time a vehicle is taxed in that drivers name?
  11. How many street lights are there on the mountain?
  12. There are some industries that operate 24/7/365 and require constant attention and although some meetings can be held remotely they are no replacement for face-to-face decision making, particularly when you have a competitor ready to do/say anything to get your business.
  13. Me too. I have already started looking at properties in UK and elsewhere. That bit of water can be a blessing and curse in equal measure.
  14. I suggested that scenario not long after Summerland was demolished. It's actually a huge site but with the potential issue of an unstable cliff face costing long millions to secure the only people paying for that will be the taxpayer (where's there's a bottomless pit always available.
  15. Aye.... but here's the thing....... the old Summerland site will be turned into a park & ride (car park) for those commuting into Douglas.
  16. I don't necessarily disagree as we already seem to have activated most of Level 3.
  17. But there is a plan: https://covid19.gov.im/general-information/travel-advice/borders-framework/
  18. I was just about to post the very same thing. Where has he been for the last 5 months?
  19. Well, if you listen to this (airport not opening saga), you can hear that it's not his job to relieve someone of their duty or indeed to kick their arse.... that's left to the management process. So in other words..... nothing will happen, as usual.
  20. https://www.manxforums.com/forums/index.php?/topic/65027-laxey-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=1439479
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