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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Been like that for years. That's nothing new.
  2. So for those whose immunity is compromised due reduced T-cells are the ones that we need to look out for, which is generally the aged? The older you get the less T cells you have to fight back?
  3. The only issue I have about the herd 'solution' is that it's only effective for as long as the antibody hangs around, max 3 months?
  4. The traffic light system will determine who travels and who doesn't. So it's largely out of their hands. We'll see but at the moment they're spending an awful lot of money at both ends of the 'supply chain' (for want of better words) to achieve some kind of normality.
  5. But they have, you said: I think not all is rosey in the Bailiwick if they are giving their own taxpayers money away. That's all I am saying. The costs to administer this must be horrendous.
  6. So why is the Jersey government handing out £100/person?
  7. I'm not arguing (believe it or not!) with NDP's comments except that it's a bit vague.... kind of "do something, anything" and the constant regurgitation of the same thing over and over again, full circle and that includes the Jersey 'model'. It's like, if you say it often enough it will happen. Well, life outside an anonymous user forum ain't like that. I'm pretty sure that IOMG haven't got it 100% right up to now and no doubt Jersey will have issues and both Islands will get something wrong at sometime in the future but there is a bigger picture out there with all sorts of data and scenarios being thrown into the ring. Some of it contradictory or at least at odds with what we think we know.
  8. Since when have I been responsible to you and why are you being so aggressive?
  9. So you haven't really got a plan at all.... just copy Jersey. Well done.
  10. But for that to work the testing would have to be free otherwise some folk will just ignore it, unless you're going to have an army of tracers who do physical visits.
  11. When folk are in care homes then they are totally reliant on the home to keep them safe. And as we have seen some care homes have been ravaged. Which brings me to another aspect of this open the borders business - carers of all kinds, medical, social etc are the people who will be impacted by the potential fallout of a big rise in COVID. If we get to the level where cases are rising like the UK are the carers expected to isolate with their patients/charges in the event of a lockdown with the most vulnerable? If they have the same rights of access to/from UK (or anywhere else for that matter) then they will be expected to self-isolate on return with minimum of 14 days? That being the case the cost of care will rise as there won't be enough carers around to cover for those who isolate.
  12. And the clapping you can also hear in background are the DOI estates planning people at the prospect of cooking up another grandiose 4 million quid scheme that won't run to budget or on time. What's not to like?
  13. The anti-body tests would suggest that the virus has been and may still be in the community. It's just that some don't present symptoms.
  14. Can't be any stranger than what's currently going on in the UK.
  15. No. As someone else has said the WHO website comes in handy when developing a strategy. Strategy... fuck did I just write that? Ignore that it can't be true because IOMG has no strategy for anything that affects the general public.
  16. I avoid quid pro quo relationships, irrespective of the other party's social, political or any other standing in the community.
  17. She has a Manx NI number but is uk resident. Perhaps that's the difference? The rate things are going the baby will be a year old before her Manx great grandmother gets see her.
  18. Our Manx-born daughter (living in UK for last 8 years), husband and 6 month old grandchild (who we saw very briefly in February) have been told it's unlikely they will get permission to visit until the next review. So how are people circumnavigating the system?
  19. Officially we're on level 4? In reality we're at level 3 already. Are they looking to move to level 2?
  20. You must have known Roger would come along and dispel your assertion that there are several thousand on MERA, shirley? Even if you add the jobless numbers to the MERA numbers you still wouldn't get to several thousand.
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