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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Me too. I have already started looking at properties in UK and elsewhere. That bit of water can be a blessing and curse in equal measure.
  2. I suggested that scenario not long after Summerland was demolished. It's actually a huge site but with the potential issue of an unstable cliff face costing long millions to secure the only people paying for that will be the taxpayer (where's there's a bottomless pit always available.
  3. Aye.... but here's the thing....... the old Summerland site will be turned into a park & ride (car park) for those commuting into Douglas.
  4. I don't necessarily disagree as we already seem to have activated most of Level 3.
  5. But there is a plan: https://covid19.gov.im/general-information/travel-advice/borders-framework/
  6. I was just about to post the very same thing. Where has he been for the last 5 months?
  7. Well, if you listen to this (airport not opening saga), you can hear that it's not his job to relieve someone of their duty or indeed to kick their arse.... that's left to the management process. So in other words..... nothing will happen, as usual.
  8. https://www.manxforums.com/forums/index.php?/topic/65027-laxey-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=1439479
  9. We've been down this lodge before... not suitable.
  10. Pretty Polly Perkins has started his 2021 election campaign early, hasn't he? The man's a waste of space.
  11. I wouldn't trust anything the Maltese gov says.
  12. Indeed. I asked why and was basically told 'because we can'. We don't eat out much but we won't be going back there any time soon I'm afraid.
  13. So is most of London but they still have to have onsite archaeologists for major developments.
  14. I'd happily pay a bit more and cast them adrift in the South Atlantic.
  15. Oddly enough, I was only thinking the other day if there' was ever an onsite archaeologist in attendance for such major works. I'm pretty sure it's a legal requirement elsewhere (UK for example).
  16. If you belong to an organisation where members value each other such as churches, sports clubs, OAP clubs, darts teams, pool teams, reading clubs, amateur dramatics, choral societies, music groups (the list is endless), other 3rd sector organisations and finally your family network then there shouldn't really be any excuse for anyone arriving home to resort to going straight to the shops. If you don't have any support network then it probably means your a miserable, anti-social bastard and don't deserve to live on Mann anyway.
  17. Oh oh.... you might regret saying that!
  18. Go for it.... where can I get tickets from?
  19. Aye, what with all this COVID shite about he'll have been getting itchy feet for a while and worrying whether there's enough time to use up his Avios points.
  20. But it's not all about money JW, he said so himself....... "I always say public service is its own reward" Yeah right.
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