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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Aye.... but it omitted one important question in the economics section... are you employed in the public sector or private sector?
  2. I'm not a biker, haven't been since my early 20's but the Diamond Races course looks tame to me. And I do wonder whether IOMG/ACU may be looking to get more youngsters into road racing with an eye to having more 'qualified' entrants for the real McCoy (IOMTT).
  3. Well, if you believe some Google review content on the Duke Marketing website it would appear that they're not being entirely up front with others who create video content of sporting events either, allegedly copyrighting others' efforts/content online (as recent as only 3 months ago!).
  4. I think Oliver's Mount gets around 40-50k per event and that's a very small course.
  5. But it only needs to rain the day of the races and they're scuppered, unless they're planning to introduce additional days (I haven't read anywhere in their blurb about that yet). At the end of the day they're all adults and should know all the risks involved in starting something like this. Good luck to them.
  6. Stats suggest that (along with most other areas of UK) the +65 age bracket for IOW will be 28% of total population by next year: https://www.iow.gov.uk/azservices/documents/2552-Demographics-General-population-October-2011-Done.pdf I do wonder if the Council really do speak for the people.
  7. https://www.duketravel.com/announcements/the-isle-of-wight-diamond-races/
  8. I hope all involved, including some from IOM, understand the level of financial commitment required and that they really have the support of the local community. Having the local Coucil on-side is one thing, residents are another.
  9. You know why they're millionaires, don't you? Because they don't use their own money. If they're that keen on it then I'm sure they won't mind dipping into their pockets to help Diamond Races out.
  10. I wonder how much the public liability insurance will be? An issue is funding. Given the UK government's current penchant for intervening to get things 'done' it wouldn't surprise me if the organisers get an initial windfall from central government to help move it along. And as we know HM Treasury have deeper pockets than IOM Treasury.
  11. Rather interestingly Gary Thompson is referred to as Gary Johnson on their video page: https://www.diamondraces.com/downloads
  12. I'm interested to know if they have experience of other such size developments, that's the main reason for asking. There's a lot about this that simply doesn't add up. As you say, the height is one issue. And are those architects drawings/plans lodged with Planning the final version? Has Kane Limited issued a bond to ensure the development goes ahead? Are they a registered developer with DoI and other gov departments? And the fact that the developer has said it would be crazy not to allow a car a park either means they didn't read the small print or if they did they thought they'd get away with it. The lack of clarity on this development is worrying.
  13. Anyone out there know if Kane Limited have a website with details on the "Quayside North" development?
  14. You couldn't make it up.... you really couldn't!
  15. Generally it's not the retailers that have to have the systems in place, they get their out-sourced logistics partner to do that.
  16. 100% IOMPO got left behind in the supply chain industry the day DHL and their ilk opened up. They probably thought they were immune from such developments & opportunities and all would carry on as it had in the past. Traa dy liooar and all that.
  17. It won't be finished by 31/3/2021. The road might be open but there'll still be loads of street furniture, property/hotel curtilage areas, pavements and other installations to be finished.
  18. Even so, nothing will happen for the next 5 years. Douglas and other towns on Mann are littered with the equivalent of bomb sites. some even when the Island was awash with money. No one seems to care about the built environment or the picture that it paints to visitors etc. Thank goodness we have the countryside to compensate for it.
  19. Plans are one thing..... having the money to carry it out is another.
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