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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Some pubs only have one toilet anyway ( one for each sex).
  2. Absolutely. Anyone reading this forum should take the time to watch the Trevor Phillips documentary that I posted earlier. The race issue is not as black & white as some may perceive it to be. Pun intended.
  3. That'll be a sure fire way of getting a one-sided debate.
  4. Aye.... where's Skelly when you need him?
  5. I've just finished watching this and think Trevor Phillips is right, ie. the conversation that no one wants to have: https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/ninetonoon/audio/201762447/straight-conversations-about-racial-and-religious-differences
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Black_British_radio_presenters
  7. MI6, I think, may have a different angle on that.
  8. Aren't you the lucky one!
  9. I'm guessing that there's as many listening online worldwide as there are listening on the radio on Mann. There might have been more if they hadn't changed the programming!
  10. It would be interesting to know what the MR listener numbers are for those living outside Mann. We have two Manx expat families in England who say they now listen a lot less to MR in the mornings because of the changes.
  11. As does 3.3.4. Too much emphasis on nice-to-have capital projects (in general) rather than maintaining what is already there. This would probably apply to many other infrastructure related maintenance schedules.
  12. I'm not sure I understand why teachers are only being "offered" weekly testing. It should be mandatory and what about other staff in schools (admin, assistants etc). If they test regularly then there's no reason why all kids can't go back to school, especially primary. The danger in schools are the adults, not the kids.
  13. The current Mrs Andy being a one time luvvy, has offered (to me, tho what I can do about it is another matter) to tutor HM The Chief Minister on how to read PR shite. She cringes at every sentence, especially when he gets the emphasis on the wrong word. She reckons that any PR bod who knows the person who will deliver the information will write it in such a way as to avoid pitfalls, such as inflection and emphasis etc. So in this case both are as bad as each other and the result is what we're subjected to.
  14. You couldn't make it up.... you really couldn't!
  15. And it seems Cyrus Capital aren't undaunted by the FlyBe debacle either it seems: https://simpleflying.com/virgin-australia-bid-shortlist/
  16. Steady on that man... in fact whoa there!
  17. But they could be stabled together (the horses not the riders)
  18. I was told a few good years back that part of the reason for the build up of sand along the stretch between Broadway and Switzerland Rd (especially opposite the Empress area) was caused by the construction of the extension to the breakwater (stabits and all that). Whether that's true or not I don't know but it might be a good-a-reason as any as to why the sand is built up there.
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