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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I know this is a subjective issue but I'm not entirely convinced or sure that the architectural design is right for the area. It's only my opinion but I can't help thinking that it belongs in a city like Liverpool or Manchester. The artist's impression looks as if it will tower over all around it and is at least two, possibly three levels higher than the nearest building. As the site is located by the harbour there seems to be no acknowledgement in the design that respects that. As I say, just my opinion.
  2. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/repatriation-to-change-from-comis-hotel-stay-to-self-isolation/
  3. But since those being repatriated won't be required to isolate at the Comis then wouldn't there be more passengers allowed on board? The number 30 was predicated on there only being room for that number at the Comis?
  4. I'll be interested to hear how IOMSPCo will enforce the required distancing on you and the other passengers.
  5. So have you notified IOMG that you intend to return 'home'?
  6. Do you mean the Barbary Coast, as in the whole of the North Quay or the eating house?
  7. My betting is Travelodge will have limited time for parking after which it will have to be paid for, the residents will pay as part of their management facility fee, anyone else visiting the for the Cinema and food/bar outlets likewise. Anyone else wanting to park to go to Stand Street/Castle Street will park up that end. This Lord Street development will only attract those who will attend the hotel, cinema and food outlets and so the footfall will be limited.
  8. My gut reaction is that retail units will struggle as they are not where the main footfall is, ie Strand St.. Although the car park might, by default, help.
  9. Here?.... I thought you said you were/are in Yorkshire?
  10. Best post today so far.... take a house point!
  11. Thanks. I wonder what the rate on the coincidence-ometer is with that and the much heralded return to work of the construction industry?!
  12. Thanks. Any idea how long that sign has been there?
  13. I haven't been down Lord Street end of town since just after the new year.... has there been any formal cutting of the sod (or concrete) on the site yet, or not? I think I know what the answer will be but thought I'd go out for clarification in case I missed it.
  14. Stuff.... going on behind the scenes: https://www.sharecast.com/news/news-and-announcements/stobart-group-buys-back-ex-flybe-sibling-stobart-air--7448820.html
  15. And don't forget that road....... because you have to use up your budget.
  16. Before I posted the link I did a search on here under 'floods' and I was amazed to read that there are threads on the same subject going back to 2008 on various incidents. I can't recall who but someone said something along the lines of "if IOMG don't do the maintenance then I dread to think what will happen when a big one hits a populated area".
  17. Well ARUP have produced their report but it can't be published..... yet. http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=55281&headline=Flood report will not be published yet&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2020&cat=Environment
  18. What was the imperative to loosen the lockdown on Friday, why couldn't it wait until next Tuesday/Wednesday? IOMG are backing themselves into a corner because now they have to rush to get new guidance note/regulations out ready for 06:00 Friday and if on Tuesday Tynwald determines that something in those guidance notes/regulations should change then it'll just cause even more confusion. Why do they insist on making things difficult for themselves and others?
  19. Most mornings when I get out of bed I open the window and up until this morning the traffic noise out on the main road in Onchan has been very, very light. This morning was different, a lot more traffic noise. Some clearly think the lockdown is over.
  20. No he hasn't. You should hear the feckin' racket coming through the wall next door!
  21. Indeed, I do mean studying (as opposed to studing.... haven't done that for a while ). And I've been a heretic for most of my life, at one stage or another.
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