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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. For the life of me I don't understand why the airport didn't/don't get payment for the landing and other fees by credit card, same as the fuel suppliers do. No payment, no take-off.
  2. The point I was trying to get at was, has the delay in the construction been caused by the court case (are Kane implicated?) or the downturn due to CV? It's not entirely clear to me that Kane are out of the picture in regards to the court case.
  3. Is that still the position, based on what's now happening (contract parking)?
  4. Disengagement is not the answer. There lies the road to anarchy.
  5. The way this is going we'll have zero statues in any public space. It's bonkers.
  6. Don't worry we have the DVD, we're considering setting up a library. Put your name on the list, I'm sure there'll more in the pipeline for erasure before this is finished.
  7. The relatively new Controller of Programming and Content must be wondering if this was the right move!
  8. Here's the procedure: FireShot Capture 071 - Praise & Complaint - Manx Radio - www.manxradio.com.pdf
  9. That's an interesting comment and is something I took as fact having read the same thing earlier in one of the threads, but if I understand correctly there's no official US government data on this at all. In fact the US Dept of Justice is breaking the law by not providing the data. Have a read of this: https://journalistsresource.org/studies/government/criminal-justice/deaths-police-custody-united-states/ And then this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/ As I said in a previous post the elephant is bad policing and the lack of political will to tackle the problem. And until that's sorted we'll most likely see much of the same, all 'colours' included. ETA: Which begs the question, is UK government compelled to provide such data?
  10. This is my last post on this BLM matter. Because it seems to me that people are missing the real issue here. All lives matter when it comes to police brutality and use of excess force. Make no mistake, that is the real issue is here. There are many, many cases of other people, not just black, that are being brutalised by US and other police forces around the world. You only have to see what the police did to the old guy in Buffalo. Please, look at the root cause. It's bad policing, very bad policing. For sure there is an element of racism in all police institutions but let's not ignore the elephant, shall we?
  11. You're right it doesn't. But it kinda looks as though BLM is the only anti-racist pony in town, for those on the outside looking in.
  12. It has the propensity to dilute the overall message.
  13. Actually, what would help the cause is for the aggrieved to start reporting the crime. There are laws out there to prevent and protect, use them.
  14. Actually yes.... if you want to get the desired result. What's happened in the last 48 hours or so in the UK will have set the 'race' debate back a couple of years at least.
  15. It's not. It persists in some countries. I know, I've been on the receiving end of gross intimidation in a former CIS country.
  16. Which is doing the cause an immense amount of damage. The organisers have allowed the protests/solidarity marches to be infiltrated by anarchist thugs.
  17. There already is common ground. The problem is there are some intent on not looking further than what they think they know. On both sides.
  18. Anyone who is subject to a race hate crime has the law on their side. And long may that continue. However, it's no good complaining if you don't do anything about it.
  19. And, dare I say it, neither do some of the complainants. It works both ways.
  20. I think there may be an element of truth in that. One of the reasons for increased policing levels is probably because they know some anarchists will be involved.
  21. Some pubs only have one toilet anyway ( one for each sex).
  22. Absolutely. Anyone reading this forum should take the time to watch the Trevor Phillips documentary that I posted earlier. The race issue is not as black & white as some may perceive it to be. Pun intended.
  23. That'll be a sure fire way of getting a one-sided debate.
  24. Aye.... where's Skelly when you need him?
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