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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Who inspects & regulates these people? Do they all have insurance? And s far as I can see there's no mention about any of them having undergone safeguarding training. In fact I don't see any mention at all about any of the sort of thing, you know, that you'd rightly expect a State Education Music Department to adhere to. In fact I'm surprised that both Culture Vannin and the Arts Council are endorsing this website without any mention of accreditation to a standard or appropriate due diligence. It doesn't, of course, reflect on the abilities of the teachers as performers. I have heard two of them perform and very fine musicians they are too.
  2. I did wonder is they used one of these speech-to-text apps that hasn't quite worked properly and in the process developed a Norman Collierism! ETA: Sorry can't resist it;
  3. Now corrected. Are there no editors of any description working in MR these days?
  4. Aye..... I recall a few months ago when the funding issue was being debated listening to someone (Charles Guard, I think) describe MR as unique. Indeed it is. As this episode confirms.
  5. According to MR website the Lt.Governor is called Sir Gozney. £900Kpa well spent.
  6. From reading your initial post it looked as though you were wanting to get rid of the missus for a few days.... nice try.
  7. Nothing stops Hartley's HIdeaway.... but what amazes me is that people respond to it!.
  8. It was licence payers money....
  9. It won't just be the CM.... it will have to be Tynwald. There won't be one MHK that doesn't have a sizeable number of PS employees in their constituency.
  10. I don't know either of them.... but what has that statement got to do with the price of cabbages? For context, I have an Indian friend who had nothing (literally) but has a job that pays sufficient to keep & feed an extended family of 10 but still lives in a slum.
  11. You had to go and spoil it, didn't you?
  12. Anyone that hasn't been subject to that hasn't lived! Anyway, when I were a lad it were called 'Pick Someone's Pimple'
  13. I only hear MR when the missus tunes in, in the morning. Ms Wotton is much missed by yours truly.
  14. They're all bland music stations, Dilli.
  15. Sorry Stu, most of the day time spoken word is inane. It is truly awful. I'm sure the listeners didn't sign up for that.
  16. Who owns the land that goes out to the Langness lighthouse?
  17. Langness is a great place to see Chough. Just thought I'd mention it.
  18. Aye... but unfortunately we have to put up with the other drivel in between.
  19. Well, perhaps a message to PE Commissioners wouldn't go amiss as they seem to be contravening the law in that case?
  20. http://www.porterin.gov.im/s.nl/it.I/id.35/.f
  21. Public toilets already exist, about 75M away. Why can't something be built within the existing footprint with max two levels as it is now? Why does the new proposal have to be so big? Nothing at that level is very big, not even the seasonal shops and cottages. Why can't it just blend in with the immediate surroundings? Why do architects feel the need to scar the landscape with designs that don't really fit in with the character of the place? The proposed design is something that you would see on Bournemouth beach front.
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