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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. IOMG has been sucked into all sorts of international commitments that are way beyond our means to either implement and/or manage without spending vast amounts of money, most of which goes on personnel. Director of Policy for this, Director of Policy for that..... Minister Allinson...stop this fucking madness and ask yourself the question on behalf of the taxpayer is it really, really necessary in the big scheme of things?
  2. Which grade level have you in mind, to remove? If that happens then those who are "indispensable" will automatically be elevated to the very most top level. There'll be more chiefs than indians. And the silo mentality will get worse not better. I agree with the likes of the heritage rail operations being moved into the charity sector with start up funding/grants to kick it all off with for say the first three years, after that they're on their own.
  3. And disingenuous at the very least. He must know that's not true, shirley?
  4. No surprise for me as there are far fewer flights at the moment which would definitely affect the efficiency of the various services.
  5. It will happen despite the Good Doctor's faux response.
  6. The word "growth" kept being flung into conversations by the CM & TM. What growth were they referring to, other than the CS headcount?
  7. Sounds like there might be some judicious editing prior to making the podcast available for further public consumption. 😁
  8. There's some good info here about buying & insurance for properties on floodplains: https://www.pettyson.co.uk/about-us/our-blog/718-buying-property-floodplain-advice
  9. My experience is that when you block one avenue of water flow it will find another route & most probably with unintended consequences.
  10. You tell me. Is there an eye on chartering outside of the known periods of when she's needed?
  11. I suspect there's a number of reasons why the BMC and possibly the Arrow are going nowhere at the moment. I think part of the delayed certification issue is probably more to do with waiting for the outcome of negotiations with the union. If I'm not mistaken IOMSPCo will have to increase the accommodation space for crew if they run with the 1 week or 2 week on/off rotation. And as the IOMG Sea Services Agreement insists that the BMC should be used as backup then the BMC will have to go into dock to get the living arrangements built and whilst there spend some money on getting her Annex VI compliant. So there's no point in her going anywhere, anytime soon. The sea services agreement seems not to be fit for purpose with the way current operations are panning out at the moment.
  12. Artistic licence applied.... sorry, couldn't resist it? 😇
  13. The stats don't necessarily say what happens to it when it's collected. Don't believe everything you read.
  14. So I'll ask again... is it true that plastics are being disposed of in the incinerator? If not, do you have the handling and disposal data, ie. how many tonnes or cbm of plastic waste has been exported to wherever for further processing & recycling?
  15. Indeed but it's indicative of how his mind works; instead of assisting the good people of Braddan to resolve the issue (and see what political capital he can make out of it at the same time) all he can manage is petty & vindictive dictats.
  16. Which part of the floodplain is that then? Genuine question.
  17. What he's saying now is really no different to what he was expounding back in 2021, so at least he's consistent!
  18. His LinkedIn page is bereft of any detail: educational or professional qualifications. Is he an economist? Almost 39 years in one government department would lead you to think that he would have an in depth knowledge of how things work in Treasury and in wider government. Of course he seems to be pushing all the right buttons and I'd agree he's made an early start to his campaign.
  19. Some interesting news here (with an IOM connection): https://travelweekly.co.uk/news/air/former-flybe-owner-part-of-potential-new-southend-airport-ownership-plan
  20. But she's a departmental member though and the same applies.
  21. Yes, the old Shoprite/Celtic Trader unit in Village Walk has been vacant for a number of years. I always thought it would make a good space for a keep fit, gym or dance studio. Or even a space for shared offices for start-ups etc.
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