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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Burroughs have been on the Island for yonks. Probably longer than the time I've been on Mann (37 years or thereabouts). They were involved in residential property that abutted our first property in Onchan.
  2. ECOBOB - how are things down in the Valley? Did all of those affected by the flooding get what they were entitled to from IOMG? And the ARUP enquiry.... what's the news on that
  3. Unless it's an optical illusion that M&S trailer looks out of position....
  4. Back in 2011 this was being discussed:
  5. Stobart are owned by Connect Airways and their assets are in third party hands. In the event that they can somehow get their hands on the assets I doubt they have the financial resources to take on many routes. FlyBMI called in the Administrators but I suspect the slots might have been in AIL name? Loganair would be my guess to take over some of the routes. Let's hope that Peter Simpson (Ex Manx Airlines & Chairman of AIL) has IOM in his sights.
  6. And be prepared for Loganair to step-in for some routes.
  7. UKG should call their bluff. The shareholders should put their hands in their pockets first. Without that it's blackmail.
  8. Yep.... https://www.cityam.com/flybes-planes-at-risk-of-being-impounded-as-wait-for-rescue-package-goes-on/
  9. I've done IOM-DXB-IOM via MAN four times. Had no issues with outbound IOM and inbound IOM providing they are both booked at the same time. Twice I have booked one way out and one way back.That created a couple of issues through MAN concerned with baggage. The baggage was delayed both times and on both occasions Emirates said the fault was theirs but managed to get the baggage to where it should have been.
  10. Mmmm.... makes wonder if any of these wiz kids have any idea about running a company, let alone an airline: https://www.ft.com/content/ed86c7be-438f-11ea-a43a-c4b328d9061c
  11. Mmmm..... But only with agreement with UKG, I think.
  12. Seems the CI's think there's merit in having a feasibility study done for their tunnels: https://jerseyeveningpost.com/news/2020/01/29/ministers-asked-to-back-tunnel-train-link-to-guernsey/
  13. I'd suggest being blind would be be a good attribute.
  14. And there's more: https://www.ft.com/content/c87a967a-40fc-11ea-a047-eae9bd51ceba
  15. From the CityAM article I posted yesterday:
  16. UKG and airports should say no and call their bluff. The shareholders need to dig deeper. If the banks say no, then so should UKG otherwise it's not going to be considered a "commercial" loan, is it? It will be what it is, a government subsidy/bailout.
  17. I wonder how much IOMG are owed, assuming the airport actually invoices the services to FlyBe: https://www.cityam.com/flybe-looks-for-another-tax-delay-weeks-after-government-saves-airline/
  18. The £100 million they're looking for is over and above what UKG had already promised them, ie further time to pay the APD.
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