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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. It will be interesting to see what the final elevation of the tram rail track will be outside the Villa/Gaiety, compared to the elevation of the single lane track hgeading towards the Sea Terminal. If it's anywhere nearing the camber that's along the rest of the double track area then the tram driver is going to have to have his wits negotiating the camber/crossing from one side to the other. I have visions of a derailment otherwise.
  2. Indeed. What else have they 'forgotten?
  3. According to the Liverpool Echo it's now £36 million. The question is: have we bought freehold for leasehold? Or are we renting?
  4. That's the point I was alluding to earlier concerning the electrification of the tramway. It might well have been in the initial proposal for Tynwald approval but was not, as far as I could see/remember, being in the last presentation.
  5. That's what I said pages and pages back. Right now we have nothing to show for it except lots of pissed off businesses.
  6. Because it's the Isle of man....... Where you can!
  7. Which raises the question of whether planning permission has been sought or indeed an Act of Tynwald is required as it was with the horse trams?
  8. Does anyone know when the issue of introducing the electric trams to the promenade was made? I don't recall reading or hearing anything about that when DOI had their little showcase at the Sea Terminal last year.
  9. And..... Links fahren bitte!
  10. Flybe to begin redundancy consultation for Head Office staff I wonder how many will be taken back on different contracts?
  11. I'd be surprised if the Gozitans fall for that "project". From experience, out of season Gozo is relatively quiet compared to Malta and I rather think they'd prefer to keep it that way.
  12. IOM couldn't hold a candle to Malta, in that regard.
  13. The Maltese are up there with our lot. Bonkers, the lot of 'em.
  14. I thought responsibility for Procurement moved to the AG's Chambers, for exactly the reason you highlight above?
  15. Procurement and use of local services and people is almost entirely down to the politicians when it comes to deciding who is awarded the work. The points based system that's used to score the bidders is used in a lot of industries. There's probably very little wrong with the process itself until the award stage.
  16. Beware any musicians travelling on/off Island: https://slippedisc.com/2019/12/bloody-airline-cracks-down-on-instruments/
  17. Absolutely.... starting at the top.
  18. It's a while since I've seen anyone (ladies in particular) using a rattan basket type bag. They used to be all the rage at one time, even with the young 'uns. Our preferred bags are hemp/jute type. They really do last a lifetime.
  19. Both Harmer and Black should fall on their respective swords. It's a colossal fail, at both political and executive level.
  20. So they've dug up the whole length of the prom and pissed everyone off who either uses it or relies on it's existence to earn a crust. Well done guys and gals. Earlier in this thread I questioned why DoI weren't going to upgrade the prom a section-at-a-time; complete one section and then move on to the next. That way there would be tangible evidence of staged completion and the only people that would be inconvenienced would those where the action was taking place. But some on here poo-pooed the idea. The real reason as we now know is because the trams took precedence over everything else. What we have right now is a complete cluster fuck. The Minister should walk.
  21. They truly are a bunch of morons, including the Minister. So effectively, they are no further on than when they started.
  22. I'm off-island at the moment, so can anyone tell me if any part of the prom road, even a 10 meter section has been completed as planned, ie from one side of the road to the opposite side?
  23. Andy Onchan


    But not swimming lessons obviously.
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