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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. That was me But it's not just about materials these days, it's slso about process. Cutting corners.
  2. On reading through the above and from what I've heard a major issue seems to be a QS related one,. I'm guessing that service is being performed by DOI in-house bods since I can't find any mention of who the QS contractor is.
  3. But other departments do employ ex IOM Newspaper staff.
  4. The silo mentality is still very much alive and kicking.
  5. Straight out of the Police Training Manual, with a little help from the Uxbridge Book of English Grammar.
  6. And Breggzit instead of Brexit.
  7. I travel with Loganair and find them more customer centric than most others. But clearly they need to up their game with passengers requiring assistance.
  8. Perhaps we should be asking.... why shouldn't it be 1 incident every 6 months? Every incident is one too many?
  9. Shirley if they were non-events they wouldn't get reported? The ones listed in that website certainly ain't non-events. I take the point about incident-to-flight ratios, nevertheless I was still surprised to read how often they are reported.
  10. Listened to Manx Radio Breakfast for the first time @ 08:00 for more than the obligatory five minute news this morning. Young Alex Wotton cuts the mustard for me, a good line of questioning . However, as 'nice' as Ben Hartley is, I do wonder what his role is other than linking traffic, weather and reading out Facebook comments into program. Does he do any serious journo presenting?
  11. When I first kicked this blog off I set up a Google News Alert, primarily to keep up-to-date on the financial situation with Flybe to see what, if any, effects there might be on IOM rotations. One type of alert that kept popping up on a more regular basis (at least once a week) was news on various operational incidents and (CAA) reports with Flybe flights. To be honest I was staggered at the number of reports in various regional newspapers. I'm sure that Flybe are not alone with the type of incidents listed here but it does make you wonder how their aircraft actually manage to stay in the air and why there are so my cancellations and delays.
  12. I can see some drivers doing a U turn in the middle of Loch Prom in order to avoid going down to the Sea Terminal.
  13. Do any of the media outlets have sports editors these days, or is it just left to each sport to provide it's own commentary?
  14. In which case someone needs their arse kicking.
  15. Ye gods.... that's a signed and open cheque book.
  16. I understand that Stenna and Peel Ports are sharing the costs of the berth upgrades across t'other side of the Mersey. Whereas IOMG are forking out full whack for the new (IOMSPCo) terminal. Something not right.
  17. 0.006/person, based on 80K population or 0.003/male population (approximately of course).
  18. But many already pay for music and the spoken word. I do.
  19. https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2019/10/18/flight-shame-could-lead-flybe-to-cut-domestic-routes/
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