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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I think you'll find that the fuckwits you allude to have long gone with their gold plated pensions.
  2. If you broke that 20.8 hours down into age demographics then the amount of time might not be as grand as it might sound (pun intended). To me at least. To put that in perspective it's just shy of 3 hours a day across the whole demographic. If you're in a car or using other forms of public transport to/from work doing an hour round trip, leaves slightly less than a further 2 hours listening time during the day. And that time, I suspect is used for listing to news and traffic before you get on the road/bus or whatever. For the non-working population I would expect many more hours.
  3. Quite possibly but look at the choice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_radio_stations_in_the_United_Kingdom
  4. MAN T3 is torture in itself not just the racket from TV screens. It really is an awful place and fat too small.
  5. Unless I'm missing something (and I haven't read all of what's in this particular blog) I thought Freedom of Movement was covered by Article 13 of the Universal Declaration?
  6. I'm not sure that's entirely true, Roger. MR's overall offering now is far superior than say 10 years ago; podcasts, YouTube etc. And the subvention was increased to cover those types of 'new' technologies, wasn't it? The next lot of dosh they'll be looking for will be for DAB. And that probably won't be cheap. Personally, I think they're not airing sufficient content with the assets they already have. I refer to my post above. on the AM issue.
  7. It stinks Derek and the worst part about it is that they can't smell it, not even the coffee.
  8. It's easy when you know how/who, Derek.
  9. The only bit of useful info in Johnny's diatribe was the fact that there are peregrine falcons in St Mary's, somewhere. Almost everything else was tripe. Trying too hard.
  10. Now here's a thing... why does the majority of content going out on FM get aired on AM at the same time as well? Is there any reason why, for example, the 21:00 and interest (non music) slots aired most evenings are not aired during the day on AM?? Or some of the Podcasts during the day when the FM frequency is banging out mostly music. Not everyone has access to the internet, especially the older generation who are more likely to be interested in 'grown up' stuff. Personally, I think there's pretty good 'interest' stuff on the Podcast section that could be repeated on air. Additionally, if MR are going to do justice to the Manx Gaelic offering then I'd certainly have no objection to it being aired on AM. Unless there's a good technical reason why AM airing can't be aired with previously recorded programming alongside FM then I really do think we're being short changed. They're really not fulfilling their public service remit as it stands. As Donald said earlier... the vernacular looks set to be the norm.
  11. Aye, Mrs Andy wasn't too chuffed either. Classic FM do something similar with the traffic report...... haven't quite worked out why at that time though.
  12. That's exactly how comes across to me as well.
  13. +1 And not just on this issue either.
  14. Even so, why? All they do is announce that the slot is about to start and advise who is broadcasting it. Do you find it embarrassing?
  15. Why would it be embarrassing for MR?
  16. The Thought For The Day has never been billed as a religious slot, has it? There have been all sorts of folk on there, humanists, Greens, etc. Granted few and far between perhaps but MR have never pushed it probably for fear of upsetting the sensibilities of the religious establishment. Unless I'm wrong the religious slot is mainly on Sundays and some late nights with Judith Ley.
  17. My customers say the same thing to me. So MR is not alone in that regard. It's the way of the world. Twas ever thus etc....
  18. I reckon Judith would find that funny.
  19. Any contractor worth their salt should carry out their own DD, commit it to paper and make sure the other party gets a copy and acknowledges receipt. Never, ever rely on verbal communication.
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