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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. And another fiver says that within 4 months one of the utility and/or comms companies will dig it up again!
  2. And presumably without filling the gap in the wall as well? Pillocks!
  3. Bob, where did they position the bags in the river?
  4. And there's more on the way.FireShot Capture 003 - Hurricane Lorenzo - Google Maps - www.google.com.pdf https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-49906446
  5. How far up the Laxey River do Salmon & Trout travel to spawn? Anyone know? The Laxey River must be one of the longest rivers on the Island.
  6. Well, MUA says it's not just trees but other stuff as well.
  7. If I recall from the numbers I crunched from the government accounts over the years the amounts written off totalled £126 million.
  8. If any visitor development does go ahead then I reckon self-catering would be the best option (rather than a hotel) with a restaurant/bar.
  9. I'm referring to the old surface they started to take up over the weekend, not the newly laid part.
  10. And not being loaded into trucks, for disposal at whoever is reducing it to dust these days. It is really odd that they're leaving the broken stuff in place. Surely there can't be a shortage of suitable transport equipment having planned this for so long?? Or are the delays such that the hauliers have moved on to another unrelated job and now DOI have to wait?
  11. Thought I would try the MyProm Free Bus service today. Well, I would have done had it been running. But it wasn't. Waited an hour and zero bus.
  12. We'll come on over, you'll feel right at home
  13. Love it.... brilliant...... Desmond Glazebrook....... the bestest character in Yes Minister, ever!
  14. So where can we see the results of the survey.... you know, the numbers/statistics? Lots of news agencies reporting the same thing (almost word-for-word which you would expect since there's only one source) but not one of them has a link to the numbers.
  15. From Skelly's tat shop, no doubt?
  16. I had you down as being intelligent contributor!...
  17. There'll be some thinking why can't we have both!
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