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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Dandara have form for that. Whatever happened to the land swap with Dept. of Education in Kirk Michael?
  2. I haven't seen anything in the public domain yet but I wouldn't be surprised if the new company has forced all crew to sign up to new contracts. Given the parlous state of the airline sector I'm guessing that a significant number of them really don't have any choice in the matter. And that the cancellations earlier in the week were down to a number of crew that had failed to sign up in time.
  3. Indeed. From the article I posted above, one pilot's public post says it all:
  4. And so it goes: https://ukaviation.news/flybe-to-close-cardiff-doncaster-and-exeter-bases/
  5. But that would only make sense if they are cheaper to operate than the Q400.
  6. Actually I thought the remedy slots were mostly Scottish routes.
  7. So how do you square the long turn around?
  8. We all knew there'd be a sting in the tail because the math just doesn't add up. Ah well.... make the most of it whilst it lasts.
  9. Read the comments in the Twatter page that Roger linked to.
  10. I see Dudley Butt is not backward in coming forward when it comes to others' politics.
  11. I've done the Flybe/Emirates route to DXB twice in the last 3 years, so its not a destination I go to very often. They didn't cover themselves in glory first time around. Believe it or not they managed to lose my luggage (tagged all the way through) between MAN & DXB. All other aspects of the transit & travel were fine. Second time it all went OK. And I guess if it's an oft used route then it's quite a good service. I agree, it's the add-on's and transfer aggro that make some trips both expensive and tiresome (especially for someone of a certain age like me!).
  12. Manx flights to LTN were sold at 69 squid, competing against itself on the LHR route. LHR has always been expensive.
  13. Indeed. Cyrus (the new financial backers) only invest in airlines that make a profit, mostly US ones. So they're going to struggle to understand why Flybe can't do the same in a completely different (and in what is essentially) domestic market place. Add to that the fact that Virgin bollixed up their attempt to feed their core business last time around then I think it'll be a case of who blinks first. The thing that amazes me is that Stobart have effectively handed over all their assets to the consortium. Look Terry, if all comments on here were informed then the forum would cease to exist! It's my best guess based on current and past data for the summer period.
  14. There's no light touch that I can see, it's completely Open. Even the 'hospital' air service isn't guaranteed. We're doomed, I tell ye.... doomed!
  15. But that's exactly what's happened to our sea strategy. None of it makes sense in the bigger scheme of things.
  16. I reckon load factor will somewhere between 75% -85%
  17. But by contrast we're spending +30 million on a terminal in LPL that has limited freight capacity (if at all) when we already have access to a reasonably good one at Heysham at no cost (especially since both ports are owned and operated by the same company,). Where's the sense in that? I'd argue that we are more dependent on air transport now than at any other time, especially for health services. So far we've been lucky (as you have admitted). Right now we have no guarantee of an airport of arrival/departure in UK. Basically if FlyBe had gone belly up our off-Island health treatment strategy would be goosed. It's a disaster waiting to happen.
  18. Out national transport 'strategy' (such as it is) is a shambles.
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