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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Summer period only, March to October. And will impact the existing government owned & run service.
  2. We'll see. There's no guarantee that any IOM services are secure, the 'hospital' runs excepted perhaps.
  3. It's not just economies of scale. You need big pockets to secure slots. Of course it helped FR & EZ by being there right at the birth of low cost travel. Anyone trying to imitate either of them was/is likely to catch the flu not just a cold. It's interesting that Logan Air have picked up the FlyBmi Aberdeen route, as they both share the same beneficial owners (the Bond brothers).
  4. What happens if you bought a ticket before the new baggage restrictions were implemented?
  5. And the day-to-day remuneration (pro-rata), is that based on a population of 83K?
  6. And is this fella the right person to turn it all around? I've listened to BFBS and I can't help thinking that it's essentially the BBC where perhaps funding is not an issue.
  7. It's a classic Chris Thomas appointment. He seems to have carta blanca and an open chequebook when it comes to recruitment. Makes you wonder if anyone in COMIN ever questions the costs or modus operandi of these positions. But no doubt it will all be part of CT's "strategic" policy for something or other. Isle of Man Where You Can ..... have a building full of technocrats without worrying about the cost because some other poor bugger stumps up.
  8. Thanks Derek. Does make you wonder how many 'Indians' there are to Chiefs.
  9. The Consultation on Cannabis is now open to all.
  10. Absolutely agree. You beat me to it. IOMG must ensure there's a least some sort of a bond sufficient to cover the actual completion of the harbour structure itself, so that the taxpayer is not required to stump up the shortfall if, for whatever reason, the most important part is not completed. I would love this project to succeed. However, I don't know of any other infrastructure project of this size that has ever been undertaken in living memory by private enterprise on Mann, only those completed by IOMG. Also, isn't there something about Crown ownership and public rights of way on a foreshore? JW??
  11. Very best of luck to them. Looks like a good initial proposal.
  12. Or switched off completely or re-tuned to another non-Manx offering. The Global Media Group, probably best known for Classicfm, have an impressive choice these days. There seems to be something there for everyone.
  13. Indeed. Seems there's much to be said for donning a kilt!
  14. Brace yourselves, this debacle ain't over by a long chalk.
  15. It's certainly very hard not to come to that conclusion, isn't it?
  16. So looks like the taxpayer is going to get shafted... yet again! When will shite like this cease? It's feckin' toy town governance. Do we employ any adults in IOMG? At all?
  17. Weren't tight fitting jeans linked to low sperm counts at one time? (I jest ye not!)
  18. But does the commercial side actually wash it's face? Does it cover it's own costs, let alone provide income to reduce the subvention? I doubt it does. The amount of advertising that's broadcast suggests to me that it's actually heavily discounted. I don't listen to MR very often but when I do there seems to be many more adverts now than at any other time in the past. That suggests to me that it's perhaps more affordable than before. If that's the case, does it actually make a profit. I have my doubts. I hope I'm wrong, otherwise it needs binning.
  19. Read the previous posts leading up to my comments. It's relevant.
  20. In the absence of anything of factual interest, I'd say it's called progress.
  21. So today's website offering is ....... zero, thus far (@ 13:33). Two reports from yesterday, three from day before but zero on Monday. It's a joke. Both at the tax and licence payers' expense.
  22. It's the old saying: put rubbish in and you'll get rubbish out.
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