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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I find that I have to "tune in" to the voice for a few seconds to understand what's being said.
  2. AFAIK Shoprite are not the landlords of Village Walk.
  3. A lot can happen in five years and so plans are only a guide. The one constant though is the public sector headcount that just rises and rises, year after year and basic services go in the opposite direction.
  4. I thought 'they' were all chinese, holed up in the Admiral?
  5. Unless you're in the £120k/pa bracket.
  6. Government is the problem, not the solution.
  7. My point exactly further up the thread.
  8. And what about the shortfalls over past years that you and your predecessors have failed to address, Mr Hooper? This 2% (£20 million) rise will barely cover what's needed. Where and on what will this 'ring-fenced' funding be spent on? Won't there be another shortfall at the end of 24/25 year??? What are you going to do then (assuming you're still the Minister at that time!)?
  9. Probably a master that hasn't yet got the equivalent of his pilot's licence to enter and manoeuvre in Heysham Port?
  10. What about a tax on wind turbines where the energy is generated in Manx Waters and then sent direct to UK?
  11. So what accounting mechanism will be used to ensure that the extra 2% tax will be ring-fenced for DHSC? For example, if I sent a Freedom of Information requesting details of the movements of cash in & out of the ring-fenced account will they provide that info? Somehow I doubt there'll be that sort of detail. It'll all get swallowed up in the general account. I just don't trust them.
  12. Aye.... the elephant is still in the room. They're shameless.
  13. How did the construction and contractor companies get access to the site to build the damned thing?
  14. And I thought we had problems: https://www.heraldscotland.com/opinion/24123412.going-need-bigger-port-not-ready-new-ferry/
  15. Isn't there a lifeline exemption in one of the MARPOL Annexes?
  16. What was the business case for the development? And can BC afford the ongoing maintenance costs? It's going to be a millstone round the ratepayers goolies for evermore.
  17. I'm sure that's old "news"... I seem to remember reading about state of the art IT stuff some months back.
  18. If the vessel had changed flag it would have to have been recertified anyway.
  19. But she's an ex "journalist". So anything is possible.
  20. I hope you're not being racist & ageist?
  21. Well, I'm now on my third return trip since last October and have resisted posting my experiences until now. My conclusion is quite simple… There's nowt wrong with the vessel and here’s why…. I think by now the Masters have got used to the way the Manxman handles and are gaining in confidence with every voyage, particularly manoeuvring in the harbours. Case in point was last Sunday’s 08:45 departure and the subsequent entering of Heysham. The Master had her about-turn and approaching the ramp stern first within about 7/8 mins of entering the harbour. Yes there was vibration but you would expect that from the thrusters, the same happened on the BMC. I reckon I drove off the ramp within 20 mins max of entering the harbour, which was about the same as the BMC. The more voyages the Masters & crew have under their belt the slicker the whole process will be.
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