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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. It would certainly make the game of chicken more interesting, that's for sure.
  2. Agreed. It's truly pathetic.
  3. And that's one of the reasons why the T'T coverage should go out to tender.
  4. And what's wrong with the Archers, may I ask?
  5. Most BBC local radio stations, I imagine. The last time I tuned into BBC Radio Cumbria heading up to the borders every coffee morning that was taking place in the county was mentioned.
  6. Or take more water with it.
  7. Is that possible, in Colby?
  8. Almost all 'new' buildings in Douglas are incongruous. This new development won't look out of place any more than any others, except perhaps for the size. And speaking of size.... if the development is going to be an all-in-one connected building then it will look rather intimidating and cast a shadow across the road over the development on the opposite side of Lord Street. But perhaps I'm being too picky!
  9. And that's probably because folks know they can't be relied on..... any time there's a problem with a vessel the first routes to get the chop is Dublin &/or Belfast. I recall a time, not so long ago, when both the Republic & NI visitors almost out-numbered other UK visitors.
  10. In recent years IOMSPCo has failed to service the Irish lanes. It's about time that was rectified.
  11. And I heard this morning over the airwaves that MR has a "Local Democracy Reporter"! WTF is all that about?
  12. That's an interesting statement about "the engine room is continuously manned". I could have sworn I heard Rear Admiral Woodward say the engine room is not usually manned when he was on MR earlier today.
  13. My money's on the "quick fag" scenario.
  14. Especially since IOM weather people were quoting 6 to 8 gales yesterday.
  15. None of this has added anything to the topic, ie Manx Radio. I would have thought that the content of what he said about government meeting it's targets and MR being used as a government mouthpiece during the last few days was more worthy of comment than jibes about his physical appearance. As for Allison or Quayle... well neither actually but that's my opinion and has nothing to do with physical appearance.
  16. The meters we currently use are available from China, no problem.
  17. Play the ball not the man.
  18. Go to the UK Government website and look it up. There's plenty there to choose from. My point BB, is that we have bigger problems to resolve, much bigger problems. The money could be used elsewhere.
  19. It was an EU directive to cut emissions, nothing more.
  20. No more perhaps than any of the others reporting on it. Here's the official version for comparison. Has anyone seen the MUA business case for it?
  21. Not just the BBC old chap (try The Times, City A.M., Independent, even that most enlightening of journals The Grauniad). The news actually came from a UK parliamentary group. Did you not read the whole article?
  22. I wonder why the Manx Radio link to this story doesn't work? I can't find the article anywhere on MR website. Was it pulled to save MUA embarrassment?
  23. It's not all plain sailing then: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-44903471
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