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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Unless I'm missing something, there's absolutely zero on the MUA website about this proposed project. Which kind of tells you something. The words mushroom and dark spring to mind.
  2. .... that's the best thing I've read for years.... the MUA don't even know where the manhole cover is to "flush" our mains! Seriously... 18 million???
  3. Well, why wouldn't they? After all, we are the centre of the universe when it comes to global communications. We have world class resilient communications... http://www.whereyoucan.com/Locate/Telecoms.aspx My arse!
  4. GSM will only work in an area where there's a signal. I'd love MUA to install the same in my own & in-law's house. I have to go to the top of the garden to get a signal.
  5. I'll leave it up to someone else to quote the obvious
  6. Are you sure it's' that many? What an absolute waste of resources!
  7. BB... what part of "they don't have have a phone" at all that you don't understand??
  8. 18.5 million for how many households????? someone needs their head testing!
  9. My very elderly in-laws have neither a phone and thus no wifi..... so someone still has to call round to read the fecking meter. also, is it going to be a legal requirement to have one of these not-so-smart meters installed??
  10. That's way too fecking simple, Mr Derek.
  11. But it's costing us (yes, us) 18million.
  12. Is it for water or electric? The MR news item doesn't specify.
  13. There would have been a certain amount of pectin in the fruit but not so much to make it that sweet!
  14. Ahhh... Delrosa, now there's a blast from the past. Remember it well.... a teaspoon each night before bed. Now I think about it.... it was terribly sweet! The sugar tax on that would have paid for the whole the DHSS in a year!
  15. I see/hear that Ron Berry isn't too enamoured with MR:
  16. I didn't realise that MR was so big that it required an HR person. Aren't most people who work for MR contractors these days?? If so, why would they need an HR department??
  17. What I don't understand is why the PBS licence isn't put up for grabs (a bit like the UA & IOMSPCo), say every 10 years. Why is Manx Radio so sacrosanct?? Is it just the name?
  18. I have found this chart useful: https://www.seedsnow.com/blogs/news/9901842-plants-that-grow-well-together-and-which-dont
  19. Well, they came.... they just didn't; leave!
  20. I'm not surprised... it's the only 'hotel' in Ramsey to speak of (as far as I know). There are B&Bs etc but clearly, there's a market for another mid-size hotel.
  21. Try disabling your anti-virus protection app before firing up the MR app to see if that affects it.
  22. If you can't be arsed to read it, why bother commenting? And for the record, I'm very pro-PSB. But only ones that stick to their licence remit.
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